Kirkcolm and Leswalt Unite!

As we had the chance to meet up with our Kirkcolm buddies today for the Ross MacKenzie or Chae Strathie visits – we decided to make the absolute most of this opportunity by enjoying some STEM/topic learning fun with our friends!

P1-4 had fun together at Leswalt looking at Victorian toys from their Toys topic and playing with them in and outside. They also learnt how to play Hopscotch – a forgotten art!

P5-7 tried their hand at some STEM activities with Microbit Coding, Spheros Coding and tackling some Engineering challenges using K’Nex. Such fun to do this together – and particularly good when we have Lockerbie Manor and transition activities coming up soon and the P7s can get to know just a few more faces! 

A fun morning learning together with our buddies from around the coast. Hopefully we get to work together again soon!


Big DoG Author Visit – Chae Strathie and Ross MacKenzie at North Rhins Partnership!

We had the BEST morning! Not only were we visited by two award-winning authors – the fabulous Chae Strathie and amazing Ross MacKenzie – but we also got to buddy up with our good friends from Kirkcolm Primary to enjoy the experience!

P6/7 Leswalt hopped on the bus and travelled round the coast – whereby P1-4 Kirkcolm jumped aboard and headed back to Leswalt. It was a switchover!

The older class enjoyed listening to Ross Mackenzie talk about his journey to becoming an author – from being a young P5 pupil with not much interest in reading to having his world opened up by his class teacher reading the classic ‘The Witches’ by Roald Dahl! Young Ross decided then and there he wanted to be a writer – and safe to say, he’s never looked back!

As a class, we had enjoyed The Nowhere Emporium as a class novel last session. It was a fantastic read of mystery and magic and one which was developed into a trilogy of Emporium books. Some of us pre-ordered copies for Ross to sign. Ross has 9 published books and has just completed his 10th book – he encouraged us all to dream big! 

P1-4 from both primaries had a morning of fun and giggles with Chae Strathie) author of Dear Dinosaur and Gorilla Loves Vanilla to name just two). Listening to stories, chatting and drawing some fabulously funny ice-cream and dinosaur illustrations were the order of their day.

These visits were secured by Mrs McHarg and Mrs McKnight which was no mean feat as these authors are in high demand! How lucky are we that they agreed to visit our wee schools?!

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