Leswalt does Maths Week Scotland!

This week is ‘Maths Week Scotland’! It’s a chance to explore, enjoy and discover all things relating to Maths – and realise just how much Maths we use everyday – sometimes without even realising it!

Each day, both classes have had lots of Maths fun doing different activities.

On Monday, P6/7 watched and talked about the maths relating to Alice in Wonderland with an online Maths Live event – who knew just how much logic was used in that famous story! They also brushed up their Maths whizzkid number skills with their weekly Beat That and CLIC number challenges.

On Tuesday, P1-4 had lots of outside fun with Liz Tindall – the weather was in their favour for that ! They enjoyed a Beetle Drive, stick measuring, symmetry and made a giant pizza! Lots of maths concepts being used in a variety of ways.

P6/7 enjoyed a Pairs Puzzle (planned for outside but the weather had other ideas!) Working together, pupils solved number puzzles hidden all around the school, unscrambled an anagram of the letters on each puzzle piece (yo spell ‘we are the greatest!) and were rewarded with a Puzzle Prize at the end (Haribos!)

Wednesday was a very busy day with P6/7  using their number skills in French with a fund outdoors game with Mrs McKnight – ooh la la!

On Thursday, P1-4 participated in two online events exploring storytelling and maths whilst P6/7’s online session explored the idea of infinity through a story called ‘Infinity and Me’ by Kate Hosford and listened to the experiences of a STEM Ambassador who explained her route towards the job she does now as an engineer and the part which maths plays in this. Plus we had fun doing our maths games such as Kahoot (a VERY competitive game enjoyed by P6/7!) and coding Spheros to follow an obstacle course.

And to round the week off, on Friday P6/7 headed outside for a challenging outdoor Maths Trail. Pupils worked together in pairs to answer the questions about various things outdoors, from calculating the number of rectangles in the fence surrounding the car park, to identifying different types of angles outside.

The finish off our busy week, we participated in the #ShowYourWorking event and welcomed in 2 parents, Andrew (Betty & Ela’s Dad) and Lauren (Gregor’s Mum), who shared how they use maths in their every day lives and work. Pupils were prepared with some questions to ask them to gain an insight into how vital a skill maths is for everyone, and even put them on the spot to see how many times tables they could remember!!

Phew! It’s been a busy week!

Living Life to the Full at Leswalt!

P6/7 are lucky to be enjoying Living Life to the Full sessions with Matthew Robinson from the D&G Youth Work team. This ties in perfectly with their HWB focus on Feelings and Self-Esteem. Pupils have been participating in team-building games and reflecting on different emotions and thinking about their reactions in different situations. Lots of chat and fun helping pupils to work on their self-belief and ability to recognise and deal with their feelings.
Thanks to Matthew for his input. Looking forward to the next few sessions 😊

Pupil Voice Groups 2024-25

At the start of the term, all of our pupils were given the opportunity to apply for various positions of responsibility in the school, including: Pupil Council, Eco Committee, House Captains, Digital Leaders and Monitor jobs. The purpose of this is to ensure that pupils’ have a voice in everything we do and know that they can make a positive impact on our school.

Having looked through the applications and/or held interviews, we have now selected our reps for the current session! Have a keek below at all the smiley faces to see who will be helping to make our school shine even more!

Pupil Council  – 

Eco Committee

House Captains

Digital Leaders

Monitor jobs:

  • Rebecca P6) & Amelia (P7) as Head Librarians
  • James (P2) as Dinner Hall monitor
  • Keira (P3) & Ben G. (P7) as Playground Monitors
  • Cameron (P2) & Sean (P7) as Cloakroom Monitors

Dignity in School

P6/7 were delighted to welcome Jack and Linnea to their class today to lead them through a Dignity in School Children’s Parliament session. The class met Dodger the Red Squirrel and considered the rights Dodger has as well as the rights we all have – and the ones we share/differ. We linked these to our Children’s Rights and thought about the Digni-tree as it has safe, happy and healthy as its branches and our rights as its roots – where everything grows from!
We were set the challenge to think about things we learn about when we’re outdoors, things we learn about other children and their countries and challenges they might face and things we learn about the environment, nature and climate change.

We are looking forward to seeing Jack, Linnea and Dodger again next term when we are exploring our Government and Democracy topic!



Leswalt Gets Gold!

Pupils are the North Rhins Schools are delighted to share that they have been awarded the Gold Rights Respecting School Award from UNICEF. Having already achieved their Bronze and Silver awards, both Leswalt and Kirkcolm Primaries have been working hard over the last 18 months to achieve their Gold award, with our Pupil Council reps leading on this.

The award is split into 3 strands – it aims to teach children about their rights; they learn through their rights by demonstrating positive relationships and attitudes, and respecting others’ rights; and finally they learn to take action through their rights to become responsible global citizens.

The UNICEF Rights Respecting School assessor visited both Leswalt and Kirkcolm Primaries at the end of May and pupils were able to share with her the many activities that we’ve worked on in our journey towards gold, including: Children’s Right’s Tuesday; learning about rights at assemblies; our class charters; linking rights to our school events such as House Captain elections, Children’s Mental Heath Week and Children in Need; our worry boxes in class; learning about Child Line; our climate change protest; and all of our various pupil voice groups, such as our Eco Schools work.

The school was provided with a report, sharing strengths and some next steps for when we work towards the Sustaining Gold award. The report stated that “it was evident that children’s rights are embedded across the school and underpin every facet of school life.” She felt that we have “very articulate children who knew a wide range of articles and were confident in the concept of rights.” The assessor was impressed with the extent to which rights are embedded in the day-to-day life of both schools and the strong commitment of passionate staff as champions of children’s rights. Finally, the assessor highlighted that pupil voice is valued highly across the schools, with visible actions arising from pupil suggestions and an understanding from children that they can influence positive change.

We are thrilled that our hard work has been recognised and we have been awarded this accolade. We are looking forward to continuing our Rights journey as we work towards the Sustaining Gold award.

The Garden Gang!

The gardening club at Leswalt Primary has started, under the support and guidance of Mrs Richardson.
Last week 28th Aug –
  • Had an introduction to gardening  – growing plants, veg, fruit, flowers, herbs
  • Why we garden – look nice, medicine, cosmetics, dyes, food our mental health and keeping us fit
  • We then had a walk and talk about the garden and they showed me all the nooks 
Today 4th Sept the tasks were – 
  • Hang the bug hotels up donated by Lidl
  • Start clipping back the willow dome and have a good sweep up
  • Set up a night time camera to see what animals might appear!

 In the run  up to the October holidays and they are planning on doing some indoor and outdoor planting, making some bird feeders and continuing to clear the back garden. 
Many thanks must go to Mrs Richardson for all her enthusiasm and skills in leading this group.
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