Maths Week Scotland Fun!

Shape Hunts, scavenger trails and  some STEMazing kicked off our celebration of Maths Week Scotland!

P1-4 held their very own shape hunt in school with Mrs Warwick. They went on a 2D shape hunt around the school, armed with an ipad and a tally mark sheet.  Lots of circles and squares, the odd rectangle and 1 hexagon! They also joined in with the Cuthbert Sees Double interactive story and activity.  They listened to a story about Cuthbert the Crocodile finding he couldn’t double his numbers and was sad that he couldn’t join in with his friends game.  His friends helped him learn ways to double so he could join in.  The pupils then had a shot at playing our own doubling game using dice.  They even tried to make it harder by using more dice!

STEMazing involved the whole school getting together for a live lesson which was led by Anne Okafor from Cruden Construction. She is a construction planner and talked about the maths involved in her job. From the three Cs: being curious, creative and courageous to designing prototypes and carrying out Tests to Destruction! Working in groups; using 8 sheets of scrap paper, some tape and books as a weight – the pupils investigated which shape could bear more weight; building triangular prisms  or cylinders to be used supports. It was agreed that the cylinders worked better as they have no  corners (weak points) and the circular face of the cylinder is equal the whole way round so allows for equal weight distribution.

P5-7 headed off to DGC Stranraer Campus for a fabulous morning of maths/careers and further education awareness with their North Rhins friends. See the blog post especially dedicated to this for more details and some fabulous photos!

Back in class, pupils explored maths through science through maths with their data analyst hats on and the P5/6 team created an indoor maths trail for P1-4 to solve with a P7 buddy (Mrs F created a maths trail for P5/6 so they didn’t feel left out!)

This Friday afternoon fun maths activity rounded off a week of Maths Week Scotland!


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