Leswalt Primary recently performed their end of term show “The Last Monster in Scotland” to relatives, friends and the local community with two performances in Leswalt Village hall. The story focussed on the search for the Loch Ness monster and was full of catchy songs and wonderful acting from all pupils.
Month: March 2016
P5-7 World War 2 Musuem
Primary 5-7 and Miss Cambridge decided the best way to show off all the learning they had been doing this term on World War 2 would be to open a museum! So, on Friday the museum opened it’s doors to the rest of the school. The senior pupils welcomed the younger class in and were soon acting as very informed museum guides as they educated their peers on subjects such as rationing, the blitz and weapons. Both classes gained a huge amount from this exercise and such was the success of this venture, that the museum will once again be open for business – this time to welcome parents through the doors.
Spring Walk
Leswalt Primary staff and pupils decided to take advantage of the glorious, long awaited Spring weather to take their “daily mile” walk to Aldouran Wetlands. They all headed off in the sunshine to see what signs of spring they could spot in the community wetlands. The children spotted some dew, daffodils – and even saw a caterpillar, frog and a mouse! They all enjoyed examining nature on their own doorstep, before skipping back to school happy after some time out and about in the fresh air.
Remembering Dunblane
The boys and girls of Leswalt Primary took some time to pause for thought, and remember the tragic incidents in Dunblane Primary 20 years ago. Mrs Mary Buchanan was a teacher at Leswalt Primary that day, and she came to Leswalt Primary with a floral arrangement for the children to lay in remembrance. Mrs Buchanan recalled how the pupils of Leswalt, 20 years ago, went on to create a build a cairn as a memorial to the events in Dunblane . This memorial still stands in the grounds of Leswalt Primary.
The Rev Sheppard came into school and all the children went out to pay their respects at the school memorial. Maisie and Aidan (the youngest pupils at Leswalt) laid the flowers on top of the cairn in a very moving ceremony, before the minister read a poem and the children joined hands in a prayer. The short service concluded with Kayleigh Williams singing “Flower of Scotland” , as the school united hand in hand and paid their respects
P1 Messy Play
Primary 1 recently had lots of fun and some very messy play, with Miss Leek. Miss Leek brought in some custard, spaghetti, jelly and gunge for Primary 1 to have fun with! Hidden inside the tubs were numbers and ,letters for the children to have fun with. Have a look at how messy they got!
Lockerbie Manor
Primary 5-7 recently had a fun filled 3 days away to Lockerbie, where they took part in a range of different physical activities. The children were full of enthusiasm – and smiles! Have a look at the photographs to see all the fun we got up to – (this is only a small selection of the 1000 photographs we actually took!)
Super Healthy Bodies
This afternoon, the school nurse Debbie Brown came into chat to P1-4 about lots of ways to keep their bodies healthy. The boys and girls shared with her some of the HWB lessons we have covered about keeping our teeth clean and squeaky clean bodies.
The class talked about the power point Nurse Debbie had, which reminded everyone about: keeping hair clean, checking for those pesky head lice, washing hands properly especially after being at the toilet, washed bodies and clean clothes and tooth brushing.
Nurse Debbie also told the boys and girls that as their bodies grow and change as they get older, regular washing becomes even more important so it is good to get into routine now.
We then thought about the fuel we put into our bodies = food and how healthy it is. The pupils got the chance to look at different types of food and put it onto the Eat Well plate in the right category. A little sugar is ok now and then but not too much!
A busy afternoon with lots of information. We will all be squeaky clean and super healthy from now on….well we can at least try as best we can!