The pupils were all involved in practical and fun activities which aimed to raise their awareness of different forms of energy in their world. Outside in the playground, pupils looked at wind and solar power, and the conditions which can affect both. They took part in a practical experiment which involved the sun heating some water in the playground from 16 degrees to over 50 degrees, in just half an hour.
In school, all pupils contributed their artwork to two large canvas murals which now hang in the gym hall. These murals demonstrate both eco friendly and destructive effects on the environment.
Older pupils took part in “the chocolate game” , and were horrified when the remains of a huge bar of chocolate was thrown in the bin afterwards. This highlighted to them that energy can be wasted, as they were particularly shocked to see the creamy chocolate being wasted!
It was a full day of interactive, eco-friendly fun for the pupils at Leswalt which enhanced the learning and teaching in classes on “Energy”.