Category Archives: P7

Primary 7 Science

This term, Primary 7 have been learning about Europe and the European Union. Today they learnt about the EU drinking water directive and how water is filtered to make sure it is safe to drink.

They made their own filter bed as a science experiment and achieved some fantastic results! Look how much cleaner we managed to make the water…

Christmas Cards

Stop the Press – Don’t buy your Christmas Cards Yet!!!

All the children in the school are busy designing their own Christmas Cards. We are hoping to send these away to the printers next week in the hope that we can distibute the order forms (with an example of your child’s work) after the October holidays. These are looking really good with the children puting in lots of effort. Primary 2 are running this enterprise and have yet to decide on a price – this will be on your order form.

You will not be disappointed!!!!