
P7 are taught by Mrs O’Connor. Here are some of the things we have been up to…


Finally! I have managed to get a good connection to the internet to update you on what we’ve been doing – sorry for the delay!

On Tuesday we had a great time on All Aboard, Giant Swing, Challenge Course and Zipwire. At night time we played Robot Wars – that was a bit messy!









Yesterday we enjoyed Fencing and Quadbiking in the morning. In the afternoon, we had Raft Building. We had a great time ‘falling’ in the lake! There was steam coming off us when we took our buoyancy aids off! Mrs O’Connor and Mrs Erskine thought it was hilarious!!





We all enjoyed our first day away from home at Winmarleigh Hall.

Here are some pictures from Zorbing yesterday and Ambush (a slight variation on hide and seek)last night:

 Mr McDowall joining in the fun!






We have all had a good night’s sleep and are ready for Zip Wire, Giant Swing, All Aboard and Challenge Course today. More photos to follow!














11 thoughts on “P7”

  1. Lovely to hear from you both! Hope you are enjoying your new school. I’m sure you’ve made loads of new friends but we haven’t forgotten you here 🙂

  2. Hi P7 it’s Finlay here hope you enjoy P7 and have fun at kingswood

    P.S. Kingswood is great fun! 3GGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!

  3. Hey P7 just wondering how its going!We are having some great bannter at the Academy hope to here from you soon

  4. Hi Finlay! Thank you for your message! It’s good to hear that you are enjoying yourself at Annan Academy!

  5. Hey hope you enjoyed Kingswood and we are all looking forward to seeing you on you’re induction days.

  6. hey it Dylan!!! just discovered the comments part in ICT right now an I have exams next year been ages! hah wheres miss calaghan at?! best p7 teacher

  7. Hello! hope you’s are enjoying school (by the way if you don’t know me I used to go to Gretna and left in 2013) got exams next year whooo ha lol no, From Aliesha King, Kirsten Byers &,Dylan Holmes xxxxxxxx love yahsss

  8. Hi P7, how does it feel knowing you’ll be here next year? I know right pretty freaky. Well I’ve got exams next year, and its safe to say I’m absolutely, positively terrified. I’m sure I can say the same for Kirsten and Sophie too! Have fun at the academy, its not as scary as it seems and you’ll meet some of your best friends here. GOOD LUCK! -Ethan

  9. Hi P7, found this in ICT. Hope you are looking forward to Winmarleigh or Kingswood. 3G!!!!!!
    Looking Forward to see you at the Academy.


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