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Titanic Day

We had a very successful dress up day on Friday 20th April. Mr Henderson from the museum came along to help judge the best dressed girls and boys. The theme was Edwardian or nautical. Prizes were donated kindly by the Dalbeattie Co-op store. Mr Henderson also presented the prize of a Titanic model kit to the pupil, who won the quiz sheet competition, all about William Murdoch and the Titanic, in conjunction with Dalbeattie Museum. In the holidays, the children were encourgaed to visit the museum in their own time with their parents to answer five questions about this important part of history for Dalbeattie.The winners of the dressing up competition were:

Primary 1
Zara Ireland
Reilly Nelson (boy)
Primary 2
Lainey Ireland
Sam McKnight(boy)
Primary 3
Faye McKnight
Nathan Harper
Primary 4
Saffy Kirkman
Aaron Jamieson
Primary 5
Sam McConaghie (boy)
Kaylin Patterson
Primary 6
Kerry Aitchison
Neil Herries
Primary 7
Keeley Maxwell
Erin Aitchison
Alistair Rae

Overall winners:Gregor Davidson,Nicole Geddes

Titanic Celebrations!


The anniversary of the Titanic is of great importance to Dalbeattie Primary as First Officer


Murdoch attended this very school!


Mrs Howie has devised a quiz in partnership with the museum that children can complete with their parents in the Easter Holidays-The Prize– a model kit of the Titanic !!


Mr Henderson from Dalbeattie Museum is visiting P5 on the subject of the Titanic this very week! His Powerpoint presentation will be available to all classes.


We will be dressing up in Edwardian clothes to commemorate the Titanic in the last week of term.


In addition Mrs Howie will be opening the school in the Easter holidays for the lantern making workshop.



Our new wall mosaic!

Our Mosaic!

The school is delighted to have taken delivery of our mosaic mural to display on the school building. The art work is the result of a competition held on Green Britain Day held back in June 2011 as part of an eco school project to improve the school grounds, when the children were asked to design a picture suitable for being made into a mosaic. When Mrs Jamieson looked at some of the entries there were five which were considered excellent. The decision was made therefore, to use aspects of all five in the final design. The result is super!!! The children’s designs were from Jamie Smith, Abigail Simpson, Struan Carson, Lachlan Mc Killop and Ruaridh McCormack. Well done you five!! The mosaic looks amazing on the wall!

Thank you to Mrs Howie for all her hard work!



Scottish dancing competition

23 girls from P.3-7 took part in the Scottish Country Dancing section
of the Dumfries and District Festival. They won the cup in the First
Time Entry class, dancing Galloway House, and also received a commended
certificate in the P.1-4 larger schools class, dancing Rabbie’s Reel.
They had an enjoyable day and Mrs. Fortnum and Mrs. McFarlane were very
proud of their hard work and achievements. They were a credit to the

Well done girls! Well done Mrs Fortnum and Mrs Mc Farlane!

Saying Goodbye to Friends


Mrs Armitage

Mrs Armitage

The end of term is approaching and we must say farewell to Mrs Anne Armitage.  Mrs Armitage is retiring and we want to wish her a happy, long and fulfilled retirement.

Mrs Armitage currently teaches P4 along side Mrs Dunlop. She came to Dalbeattie Primary quite some time ago and has taught a number of classes as well as being the RICCT teacher. 

Mrs Armitage is very musical and has helped us to learn many new and exciting songs for assembly and all our services. We will miss her lovely smile and sense of humour.                                         

Miss Grimshaw

We will also say good bye to Miss Grimshaw.  Miss Grimshaw has successfully

 completed her probationary year with us at Dalbeattie Primary. 

We would like to thank her for all her hard work during this past year and

wish her well in her career as a fully qualified Primary Teacher.