Workshops for Nursery Parents coming soon…

Mrs Mackenzie (Nursery Teacher) is going to be running workshops for parents whose children will be starting Primary 1 in August. These have been organised in conjunction with the Family Learning Coordinator. These workshops will be an exciting opportunity to find out about how phonics, reading, writing and number skills are taught in the Early Level/ Primary 1.  There will be lots of fun activities for parents to take part in and we hope that it will be informative and helpful.  There will be opportunities to look at some of the resources and activities the children may use in Primary 1.

Where: We are planning to hold the sessions in the school library in the main school building.

When: Parents can choose whether they attend the morning or the afternoon workshops. The times are 10.30-11.15 am and 2.00-2.45pm. Refreshments will be available. Mrs Mackenzie will be available to speak to parents before and after the sessions and parents are welcome to arrive early to have a look at the information displays.

How many: There will be 4 morning workshops and 4 afternoon workshops. They will be held on Thursday 30th May, 6th June, 13th June and the 20th June. There will be 2 literacy workshops and 2 numeracy workshops. Parents are encouraged to attend as many as they can.

Leaflets will be sent out soon regarding this. If you are interested in attending the workshops, please speak to Mrs Mackenzie or a member of Nursery staff.

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