Roo & Neil – musicians

In nursery last week, we were very lucky to be offered a visit from musicians Roo & Neil, from Live Music Now Scotland. They brought their instruments – an accordion and a violin and played some music for us. We played musical games, learned about notes and listened to the fantastic music that they played! We had a great morning with them both.


Potato Planting

Today in Primary 1 -3 we were pleased to welcome the Nursery Pre-Schoolers. We took a trip outside to the raised flower beds and planted potatoes. We can’t wait to see how well they grow and taste the potatoes when they are ready.


Show and Tell

Recently we held our first Show and Tell assembly since COVID. All the boys and girls across the school were very excited about this! The children had super achievements to share with the rest of the school. Some children decided to show their fantastic art work, awards for Kickboxing, Highland Dancing and all the facts they had been learning about dinosaurs.

We cannot wait for our next Show and Tell Assembly!’

Learning in Primary 3-5

‘We were learning about how the scientists think that the asteroid wiped out all the dinosaurs.’ Sophie

‘Palaeontologist is someone who looks for dinosaur fossils’ – Sophie

‘Palaeontologist found a fossilised leg with skin still on it’ – Andrew

‘The Palaeontologist found a dinosaur leg and they can now see that they’re actually scaly – they just assumed before that they were’. – Sophie

‘The place that found the fossils was called ‘Tanis’. – Riley O

‘The asteroid hit the planet in Mexico’ – Christopher

‘The asteroid was the size of Mount Everest’ – Donnie

After the asteroid hit, it broke into little balls. They fell from the air and they were really hot and the dinosaurs couldn’t breathe’ – Freya

‘Since the asteroid hit it was black for a decade because of all the gases blocking the sun’. – Sophie

‘After the asteroid hit there were lots of tsunamis, earthquakes and hurricanes’ – Hilda

‘They found a bit of meteor and now they can learn different facts about it’ – Sophie



  • ‘A Diplodocus is 27 meters tall’ – Christopher


  • ‘T-Rex had a diet of Triceratops’ – Noah
  • ‘Lots of people thought the T-Rex was the biggest dinosaur but it wasn’t. The Argentina Dinosaur was.’ – Andrew
  • ‘T-Rex are one of the biggest carnivores’ – Jayden
  • ‘The weight of a T-rex is 7000kg’ – Noah


  • ‘A Triceratops has 3 nose horns’ – Jack
  • ‘The triceratops uses its horn to tear down trees’ – Theo
  • ‘Triceratops are 3m long and they’re also 12000kg’ – Charlie


  • ‘The stegosaurus was 9m long and 3m high.’ – Sophie
  • ‘Even though the stegosaurus was huge its brain was only the size of a ping-pong ball.

Weaving In Primary 3-5

Primary 3-5 have been busy learning how to weave.

We have been learning how to weave. We are hoping to make a basket. Here are the instructions on how to make it:

  1. We started with a paper plate and cut the bumpy bit off.
  2. Then you draw a circle in the middle of the plate (a medium sized one).
  3. After get a ruler make a line with a black pen through the middle, turn the plate and draw another line. You repeat this till you have 8 equal sections.
  4. Next you get another colour and repeat leaving a 1cm gap between the 2 colours.
  5. After that you cut the black and other coloured line to the circle. It should leave a little gap.
  6. Then you get some wool, tape it to the back and then start weaving.
  7. You go round the plate over and under. Once you get back to the start you miss 2 sections and repeat. Continue till you have made a basket.

Snack time!

Friday 25th March – To make the most of the great weather, a few children had asked to have a picnic snack outside. Today was Fruity Friday and it was a perfect chance to enjoy a refreshing rest outside!


Creetown ELC Art Gallery

We had spring flowers (daffodils and snowdrops) in nursery.
We were drawing them at the mark making table.
This brought up a discussion about artists who paint flowers – Van Gogh and Pauline Patterson (local artist), and that you can visit an art gallery to see pictures.
A child asked if they could make their own art gallery.
This led to several children creating pictures to display in the art gallery .
An entrance was made with signs informing customers
: “no candy”
: “no lambs only cats”
: “only 3 people”

World Book Day

P3/4/5 had a fun day celebrating World Book Day on 3rd March. We carried out lots of activities in class including reading and sharing our favourite stories from home, a class quiz and tuned into a live lesson teaching us all about how to structure story writing. After lunch we went on a scavenger hunt around the school to see how many book characters we could find and worked hard to identify which book the character was from and who the author of the book was. We even had one of our class members share a story with us that they had wrote and illustrated all by themselves at home.


This week we have been busy in P3/4/5 completing lots of topic work relating to the Vikings. As we have been learning about the Viking longships, we took our learning outdoors and measured how long the average longship was. The children also became reporters and completed a newspaper report all about the Vikings attack on Lindisfarne. To finish off the week, the children carried out some group research all about weapons the Vikings used. They created a Viking fact file sword to remind them about all of the important information.
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