Food Miles

This week P3/4 were learning to compere the sustainability of different food journeys. Here we used the new Chromebooks to research the origin of the different fruits and vegetables we like to buy. We drew the journey on a huge map and recorded their food miles. This way we could see how far some fruits and vegetables have travelled to get to Scotland.


Primary 3/4 updates

This week the Triangles were learning how to use the distributive principle in multiplication and in Art the class were learning to mix chalk and oil pastels to create different artistic effects with tone and colour.

Primary 3 – 4 Business Enterprise Learning

We are working in design groups to make and design a soap product. We are collating our ideas using a design board before deciding on our final product. We have used ICT, printing techniques, oil pastels, water colours and paper with different textures to include on our design boards.

Primary 3-4: Work on forces

This week we have been learning about balanced and unbalanced forces. The pupils had to demonstrate balanced and unbalanced forces using materials we could find around the classroom. They then drew and labelled diagrams to explain how objects move when the force is unbalanced.

Harvest Assembly

Harvest Assembly

This week P3-4 delivered a brilliant assembly all about Harvest. The children showed great courage speaking confidently in front of the whole school and were really able to show off their learning. We would like to thank everyone for their kind donations to the foodbank, we were blown away by your generosity.

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