Sports Day

On Tuesday 7th June the pupils of Creetown enjoyed taking part in Sports Day.

The sun was shining, and we all enjoyed having a picnic lunch outside. It was wonderful seeing all of the children taking part, trying their best, and cheering each other on.
Well done Kirkdale who won the Sports Day Trophy.
Here are a few photographs from the day.



Jubilee Art

To celebrate the Jubilee we have completed a school art project.

Each individual child has coloured in a piece of our Jubilee picture and it has been pieced together.

I am sure you will agree, it looks fantastic, and the children have done a super job!

Potato Planting

Today in Primary 1 -3 we were pleased to welcome the Nursery Pre-Schoolers. We took a trip outside to the raised flower beds and planted potatoes. We can’t wait to see how well they grow and taste the potatoes when they are ready.


Show and Tell

Recently we held our first Show and Tell assembly since COVID. All the boys and girls across the school were very excited about this! The children had super achievements to share with the rest of the school. Some children decided to show their fantastic art work, awards for Kickboxing, Highland Dancing and all the facts they had been learning about dinosaurs.

We cannot wait for our next Show and Tell Assembly!’

Science – materials

Mrs McClymont has been helping us learn about materials. In previous weeks we learned what a material is and what words we might use to describe them (the properties). This week we were sorting bags of objects by their properties. We talked about opposite pairs – rough or smooth / hard or soft / rigid or flexible / transparent or opaque / waterproof or absorbent.

French weather


We have worked on describing the weather in French. We played snap and connect 4, and took turns at being the teacher to introduce phrases to our groups.


Party, Party, Party!

P1/2/3 had their Christmas party on Wednesday 15th December.

We played lots of games and dances including some Traditional

Scottish dances.  We had great fun!

Primary 1 counting

Primary 1 have been busy counting the forward number sequence to 30.  We have to

concentrate really hard to remember the number that comes after 29.

We have also been practising the backward number sequence from 10.  We are really confident

with this and have now started practising counting back from 20.  This is something we will work

on and by the Christmas holidays we will be much more confident when counting backwards.


We had some used pumpkins in school after Hallowe’en  We decided to break them up and put them into our wildlife garden as some animals would use them as food.  We got this idea from a news programme.

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