Roo & Neil – musicians

In nursery last week, we were very lucky to be offered a visit from musicians Roo & Neil, from Live Music Now Scotland. They brought their instruments – an accordion and a violin and played some music for us. We played musical games, learned about notes and listened to the fantastic music that they played! We had a great morning with them both.


Snack time!

Friday 25th March – To make the most of the great weather, a few children had asked to have a picnic snack outside. Today was Fruity Friday and it was a perfect chance to enjoy a refreshing rest outside!


Creetown ELC Art Gallery

We had spring flowers (daffodils and snowdrops) in nursery.
We were drawing them at the mark making table.
This brought up a discussion about artists who paint flowers – Van Gogh and Pauline Patterson (local artist), and that you can visit an art gallery to see pictures.
A child asked if they could make their own art gallery.
This led to several children creating pictures to display in the art gallery .
An entrance was made with signs informing customers
: “no candy”
: “no lambs only cats”
: “only 3 people”

Being Active!

This month our health & wellbeing focus in nursery is being ACTIVE!  We are active every day both inside and outside. The children love building obstacle courses outside and working together to make sure they are safe as well. We have also had our gym equipment outside this week.


Scottish dancing

In our hall time this week, the nursery children talked about and learned some Scottish dancing. Miss White taught us some highland dancing which we were very good at, and we also practised some country dancing in a circle with our friends.

We also listened to a Scottish band and thought about what instruments we could hear:  “bagpiper”   “drumkit”   “violin”   “accordion”. We then watched a video to see what all of these instruments looked like.


Christmas fun!

ELC children have had lots of fun decorating trees inside and out.

We have all learned about the story of baby Jesus, and Mary & Joseph through role play and our daily advent calendar.

We created lots of wonderful Christmas art.

Merry Christmas everyone!


ELC Christmas Party

All of the children had great fun at our Christmas Party.

We played lots of games and sang some action songs:

  • musical Christmas corners
  • musical bumps
  • musical Christmas statues (freezing as Santa with a sack on his back, or a tree or a fairy/angel)
  • Reindeer Pokey (similar to Hokey Cokey)
  • Santa, Santa, Claus (similar to Duck Duck Goose)
  • Santa’s in his grotto (to the tune Farmers in his den)
  • Christmas tree game (when the music stops, find a tree to stand on)

When we got back in to the nursery we had a tasty party snack!



Reindeer Pokey

(Hands on top of head like antlers)

You put your antlers in,

your antlers out,

in, out, in , out & shake them all about,

You do the reindeer pokey and you turn around,

That’s what it’s all about, SEE!


Oh reindeer pokey cokey,

Oh reindeer pokey cokey,

Oh reindeer pokey cokey,

knees bent, arms stretched,



Then:     Right hooves in/out

Left hooves in/out

Little tail in/out

Red nose in/out




Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

In November, the children started to think about recycling or reusing things to “make less rubbish”.

This fell in alongside the COP26 summit, and there were some Education Scotland Dug resources that we explored on the computer at group times.

We tried to think of as many things that we could recycle or reuse as possible. There is a special picture we need to look for to say that we can recycle it.

Almost all of the children recognised these bins when some of us went our community walk.

We made some recycling posters to display and some of us practised our writing for the posters too.

We asked families to start collecting ‘rubbish’ so that we could start junk modelling, but we also experimented with what junk would be fun to use in our water tray.

“cardboard melts”     “it’s soft”


We can reuse clothing too as spare clothes in nursery.

(Nov 2021)

Road Safety Week

15th – 21st Nov 2021 – Road Safety Week

The children were very excited to have some bikes and scooters out. They were able to create their own roads / safe places to walk and consider the safety of the people using the vehicles and the people who were playing in other areas.

They set up a car wash and a garage to keep the vehicles clean, working and fueled up! Some children made their own traffic lights so that the drivers knew when to “stop” “get ready” “go”!

There was lot’s of talk about taking turns and sharing the resources.


The children identified that to be safe when out and about in villages or towns they:

“Look out for cars”                                “Hold hands with an adult”

“Look left and right”                                   “Walk…stay on the pavement”

“To be safe when crossing the road, so we don’t get run over”

With an adult the children spoke about keeping safe when in a car or on a bike. They spoke about not distracting the driver, sitting in a car seat or on a booster seat and wearing a seatbelt.

“Look out the windows”                             “I have a car seat”                   “Seatbelt!”

                         “wear a helmet”


We learned a new song – ask the children to sing it for you at home!

Twinkle Twinkle Traffic Light  (to the tune of twinkle twinkle little star)

Twinkle twinkle traffic light,

Round the corner shining bright,

Red means stop,

Green means go,

Yellow means very slow,

Twinkle Twinkle traffic light,

Round the corner shining bright!

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