Creetown ELC Art Gallery

We had spring flowers (daffodils and snowdrops) in nursery.
We were drawing them at the mark making table.
This brought up a discussion about artists who paint flowers – Van Gogh and Pauline Patterson (local artist), and that you can visit an art gallery to see pictures.
A child asked if they could make their own art gallery.
This led to several children creating pictures to display in the art gallery .
An entrance was made with signs informing customers
: “no candy”
: “no lambs only cats”
: “only 3 people”

World Book Day

P3/4/5 had a fun day celebrating World Book Day on 3rd March. We carried out lots of activities in class including reading and sharing our favourite stories from home, a class quiz and tuned into a live lesson teaching us all about how to structure story writing. After lunch we went on a scavenger hunt around the school to see how many book characters we could find and worked hard to identify which book the character was from and who the author of the book was. We even had one of our class members share a story with us that they had wrote and illustrated all by themselves at home.


This week we have been busy in P3/4/5 completing lots of topic work relating to the Vikings. As we have been learning about the Viking longships, we took our learning outdoors and measured how long the average longship was. The children also became reporters and completed a newspaper report all about the Vikings attack on Lindisfarne. To finish off the week, the children carried out some group research all about weapons the Vikings used. They created a Viking fact file sword to remind them about all of the important information.

Waterproofing experiment

As part of our science learning, P3/4/5 have been exploring the properties of different materials and why their different properties make them suitable for different jobs. This week we explored waterproofing and carried out an experiment to find out which materials would protect an item from getting wet. Before the experiment pupils discussed each material and its properties and made predictions about which material would be best for waterproofing. Next, everyone coloured in 6 dinosaurs and then covered these with the six different materials. The same amount of water was then applied to each. It was interesting to see which dinosaurs ink ran the fastest based on which material was protecting it.


In maths today P3/4/5 were working with Mrs McClymont to explore angles and identify angles within a full rotation. This linked to our previous learning knowing the cardinal and intercardinal compass points. It was great to see everyone working hard, especially when breaking angles down into smaller parts to work out degree turns.

Topic Time

This week we have been learning about Democracy in Scotland as part of our new topic. We read through a PowerPoint, and then tested our knowledge by playing the Scottish Parliament Democracy board game!


Chinese New Year!

This week we celebrated Chinese New Year by having a special lunch in the hall. Afterwards we learned about the Chinese Lantern Festival then used our research skills to find out more information about Chinese New Year. We found out lots of interesting new facts!



We have recently started our new PE focus of gymnastics and this week we explored different balances. We practised balancing on lots of different body parts and found that some balances were a lot trickier than others! Once we had learned some new balances, we worked in pairs to create a sequence, linking five different balances with a range of rolls and floor movements from previous weeks.

Scottish Art!

Recently P5-7 have been creating some Scottish art in the run up to Burns Night. We created our own tartan then painted silhouettes to go on top to make some very bonnie pictures!

We have also been looking at colour palettes and created design backgrounds for a Scottish product based on the products colour palette. We had to make 4 different backgrounds, and they have turned out very effective. Well done P5-7!

Science – materials

Mrs McClymont has been helping us learn about materials. In previous weeks we learned what a material is and what words we might use to describe them (the properties). This week we were sorting bags of objects by their properties. We talked about opposite pairs – rough or smooth / hard or soft / rigid or flexible / transparent or opaque / waterproof or absorbent.

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