We have been practising our times tables. We have worked with a partner to help us and used strategies for each times tables. We can use the patterns we have found in the 100 square and count in multiples using fingers if we need too. We made toys to help us learn the 2 times tables. We are all winning stickers as we are all times tables champions!
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Welcome to Vicky Verb!
Vicky Verb is visiting our classroom to teach us all about verbs. She tells us that a verb is an action or doing word.
Vicky Verb can…….
Can you guess what Vicky can do?
Can she jump, hop, dance, walk, run?
Each time we help her perform an action, we learn another verb.
Literacy skills in ICT
We had fun  identifying nouns and adjectives today in the ICT suite, as well as using this time to look at energy levels using the games we had used in class last week.
Pushing and pulling forces
We had another great morning learning about pushing and pulling with Dundee Academy of Sport.
A day in the life of Andy Murray
If you were Andy Murray, how much energy would you need?
Dundee Academy of Sport gave us an insight into how our energy levels differ.
Energy games
We have been learning about why we need energy and which foods give us lots of energy.
A Greek dance
Following on from our Scottish dancing, we have been learning dances from all over the world. This week…..Greece!
A fish race
How do we make our fish move?
Push and Pull!
As part of our learning about energy, we have been investigating how things move. They cannot move by themselves! We may have to push or pull objects. We made a moving dinosaur picture using a lever.
Going on a noun hunt!
Teddy loves to collect nouns. We learned that a noun is a thing that Teddy can point to or touch. It usually begins with “a” or ” the “.