Primary 7 have been learning about BODMAS and when the order of operations should be followed. They have been playing some BODMAS games to apply their learning and further their understanding of the rules.
Primary 7 have been learning about BODMAS and when the order of operations should be followed. They have been playing some BODMAS games to apply their learning and further their understanding of the rules.
A little bit of rain didn’t put the Primary 7’s off from enjoying their time at Play in a Pod, lots of teamwork and creativity was taking place!
Primary 7 took part in lots of different activities yesterday as part of Fit Thursday including cricket, judo, Boxercise, football and Gaelic football.
This week during numeracy lessons, some of the class have been ‘teachers’ and teaching what they have been learning about BODMAS to their partners, they did an excellent job!
Primary 7 took part in a workshop on Monday called ‘Science on the Brain’, they took part in several experiments and learned all about the different parts of the brain.
Primary 7 enjoyed dressing up for the Autumn Party last week and in the afternoon went along to the gym hall with Primary 6 and took part in some games and had a chance to show off their fantastic dance moves!
During buddy time on Friday, Primary 7 were helping their Primary 1 buddies with the sounds that they have been learning. They also helped them to blend some sounds together to read and say words.
They then went outside and helped their buddies with their counting and collected lots of different items such as leaves, sticks and stones. Some of the Primary 1s used their fingers to show us how many things they collected.
Primary 7 took part in an Industry Insights Workshop this afternoon which gave the class an insight into the job of a scientist and the ways in which it is linked to maths. The workshop was delivered by a scientist from the University of Dundee, Catriona, and she explained what she does day-to-day in her job. The children were asked various questions such as what they want to do when they grow up, whether they think maths is important to their future career/job and what they think a scientist looks like. This lead to a discussion which focused on dispelling stereotypes of scientists.
The class then took part in an activity related to relative scale and the size of cells and microorganisms, this was very interesting and the pupils were amazed that millions of cells can fit in the tiny dishes that the scientists use!
Our school penguin was designed by Alex and this week Mrs MacPhail surprised Alex by presenting her with her winning design on a mug, what an achievement Alex! Well done!
Josh submitted a proposal to Mrs MacPhail to set up and run a club in school for younger pupils in Primary 1 – 4. The proposal has been accepted and Josh was very proud to hear that his club will go ahead next term! Fantastic achievement Josh!