Primary 7 – Industry Insights Workshop

Primary 7 took part in an Industry Insights Workshop this afternoon which gave the class an insight into the job of a scientist and the ways in which it is linked to maths. The workshop was delivered by a scientist from the University of Dundee, Catriona, and she explained what she does day-to-day in her job.  The children were asked various questions such as what they want to do when they grow up, whether they think maths is important to their future career/job and what they think a scientist looks like. This lead to a discussion which focused on dispelling stereotypes of scientists.

The class then took part in an activity related to relative scale and the size of cells and microorganisms, this was very interesting and the pupils were amazed that millions of cells can fit in the tiny dishes that the scientists use!

Primary 7 First News

Primary 7 have been given the fantastic opportunity of accessing a children’s newspaper, First News. This will be used for various literacy activities in the coming terms and today they were introduced to the online platform, iHub. First News iHub allows the pupils access to global news stories, interactive comprehensions, vocabulary puzzles, polls and debates. The news gallery enables pupils to create their own news using the content that excites them the most.

Alongside the online platform is a weekly newspaper that will be sent to the school and pupils will have access to this. The newspaper will provide them with an accessible way to understand the world, enrich their knowledge and build confidence in sharing ideas and opinions, whilst supporting their personal reading development.

The pupils were very enthusiastic about First News and are looking forward to using it.   iHub can be accessed from home at and each pupil has their own log in.


Primary 7 Macmillan Coffee Morning

Primary 7 did an amazing job organising and running the Macmillan Coffee Morning, raising an incredible £1015.92! The pupils have decided to split the money equally between Macmillan and Breast Cancer Care Scotland. Well done Primary 7 and thank you so much to all the parents, carers and family members that supported Primary 7.