Primary 7 – Talk Homework

Next week the children will be writing a fictional biography of a Victorian child.  Research has shown that when children talk about their ideas they produce better writing. This weekend, it would be great if you could do some ‘Talk Homework’. You can do this by helping your child think about the following aspects of their fictional biography:

  • Who are they writing about? A poor Victorian child or a rich child? Think about their name, research popular names in the Victorian Era. What was early childhood like for them?
  • Did this child go to school or did they work/go to the workhouse like Jim in Street Child (the novel we are reading in class).
  • What happened to them after they left school/workhouse? Remember this is a fictional biography therefore you can use your imagination.

I am sure that if the children come to school with great ideas, they will be able to focus on their vocabulary, punctuation and grammar in class and produce fantastic biographies.

Thank you for your support, Mrs Paton 😊

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