Primary 7 attended Safe Taysiders yesterday which was held at Baluniefield Police Station. Pupils were learning safety lessons for life and were put to the test to see how they would handle a variety of emergency situations.
Special scenarios were staged by representatives from the emergency services and other Community Safety Partnerships agencies. These are tailored to test the reactions of the young people and educate them about to what to do if they are ever faced with a real emergency situation. These scenarios included dealing with fire, internet safety, anti social behaviour, stranger danger, electricity dangers, drugs and alcohol, flood dangers and safe travel.
Primary 7 are hosting the Macmillan Coffee Morning next Thursday, 27th September from 10am – 1130am. If you can donate a prize for the raffle or have any items for the bric-a-brac please hand these in at the office. Cakes and home-baking can also be handed in next week. Thank you, from Primary 7 and Mrs Paton.
Primary 7 have been discussing growth mindset and what it means to us in our everyday lives. Eight words were written down – dedication, success, risks, mistakes, perseverance, effort, courage and creativity – and they had to write what the word means to them or draw a picture to illustrate what it means. Everyone discussed that mistakes are the way to learn, they allow thinking to happen and they are central to the learning process, great job Primary 7!
This morning Primary 7 visited Menzieshill library with their buddies, this gave the Primary 7’s a chance to read a story to their buddy and show them how to take books out.
This afternoon the Scottish SPCA visited Primary 7 and they took part in a workshop. They found out ways in which we can all be responsible animal citizens and played a game testing their knowledge of pet animals.
This term we are reading Wonder and an important theme of the novel is bullying. We created a role play in a drama lesson in which we were presented with a letter from a boy who could not cope with what was happening at school. In groups, we came up with ideas to explain what might have happened to the boy at school and turned this into a role play.
Primary 7 received a training session from Saved by the Bell which will enable pupils to take on the role of teller, if they wish, for the weekly Saved by the Bell sessions. They were taught how to record the cash that is paid in and to ensure the balance is correct.
Primary 7 teamed up with Primary 1 for a play in the pod session, the Primary 7’s were helping their buddies to build, problem solve and have fun!
Just another – Dundee site