Tackling bullying

On Monday primary 6 engaged in a lesson around bullying.  As a class we explored some of the consequences of bullying and the strategies we could use to deal with it.

We watched a video created by Burger King that highlighted how bullying can sometimes go unnoticed.  Click the link to watch the video now:


Using the class novel ‘Wonder’,  we took extracts from the story and analysed them by identifying the bullying and strategies used by Auggie.

Each child in the class wrote a nasty word on a post it note and stuck this to our class volunteer.  We had a discussion around the power of words and what we do when we say something we don’t mean.  The class all answered with “sorry”.  The post it notes were then removed and placed into a pocket.  This highlighted to primary 6 that although the victim did forgive, they will carry the words around for a long time.

We ended the lesson with drama.  Each group had to act out a negative scenario and resolve it using a strategy discussed in the lesson!

A brilliant effort from all in p6!

Roald Dahl Day!

Primary 6 celebrated Roald Dahl Day by sharing their knowledge of the author and discussing their favourite stories written by him.  Some favourites include: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Matilda, The Twits and George’s Marvellous Medicine.

P6 then engaged with a Matilda themed writing lesson.  We explored the different characters in the book/film and used powerful adjectives to describe these characters.

P6 had to create a new classmate for Matilda who could help her defeat Miss Trunchbull.  P6 will carry on with their character description next week.

Egg Drop Challenge

This morning primary 6 took part in the egg drop challenge.  The class worked in groups and had to design a contraption that would protect their egg from cracking when dropped from a great height.   This challenge required good team work, negotiation, responsible decision making and problem solving.

The groups had to plan and agree on the resources they would use for their contraption.

Sadly no groups were successful in protecting their egg, however, there was an excellent effort from all in p6! Well done!

Choose Kind Display

Primary 6 have been reading the novel, ‘Wonder’.  This novel explores many themes such as: bullying, acceptance, overcoming challenge, and relationships.

In our most recent lesson we focused on thoughts and emotions.  We discussed some of the thoughts and feelings that the main character, Auggie, would be feeling on his first ever day at school.  We had an in depth discussion on the cause of these feelings and how it feels to suffer from them.  We referred to the book and focused on the power of words.

The class then put this display together.  Great work p6!!

Our Class Charter

Throughout the school year we will be focusing on Rights Respecting Behaviour.  In term 1,  the class worked together to create their class charter display.  Through this learning they discussed what is a right and what their rights are.  With this information the class came up with how they can respect their rights in school.  Every child in the class agreed with the charter and demonstrated this with their ‘hands in’.  They all drew around their hand and signed them.

This is how they will respect their rights in school:

“We respect our rights by giving our own opinion and listening to others’ opinions. Our opinion should be taken seriously but it’s alright if other’s think differently. We also choose our own friends to spend time with.  Being kind and respectful to others is important, especially when joining new groups.  We appreciate that we are all different and have the right to be ourselves.  We will embrace everyone’s unique qualities.

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