Hello Everyone!! I hope you all had a lovely weekend ☺️
As I am working in the hub this week, this post will have multiple activities you can engage with throughout the week.
- 6 new RWI words. Practice, do a spelling task, find definition and synonyms and then test again.
- Persuasive writing. Complete a plan using the two templates below and then a first draft. If you manage to complete your first draft, read with an older sibling or adult and mark it with Yippee Yellow and Pink for Think. Remember to include features of AFOREST.
A- Alliteration, F-Facts, O-Opinion, R- Repetition, E- Emotion, S-Statistics and T- Rule of Three.(adjectives)
- Grammar – Apostrophes or Apostrophe’s?🧐
I would like you to access the two links below as they exploring using apostrophes in contractions, for example, you are= you’re. The possessive apostrophe, for example, The dog’s paws are muddy. Not dogs as that suggest the noun is plural!
Maths – Multiple worksheets exploring all concepts we have covered this year. I have grouped the worksheets according to your maths groups, however, if you fancy a challenge or need to take a step back to warm up, please do.
If you’d prefer not to do written work, please go onto Sumdog to develop your mental maths.
🌎🌍🌏 – Continents.