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Maths Challenge






22 x 32

213 x 42.



8,341 – 3,612




24 x 26

32 x 43










I will post the answers to your challenge at 3pm.  I have also set up a sumdog challenge.  Good Luck!

E Books

Primary 6, Audible are allowing anyone to have FREE access to E- Books.  This is the website we use to listen to Goodnight Mister Tom. We are on chapter 16, if you wish to continue listening.


You might want to download a book of your choice!  Copy and paste the link above into a browser.



Fraction pictionary is a great warm up in maths.  Primary 6 like to play this as it allows them to visualise fractions.

Primary 6 have been looking at linking fractions to real life contexts, thinking about when they might need to use their knowledge of fractions in real life.  They discovered many ways they would need apply their knowledge, for example, the cost of items in shops.  They were quite surprised to discover so many.  Linking learning to real life gives the learning more meaning and the class now seem to be feeling more positive towards fractions.

After exploring fractions in real life contexts, primary 6 followed instructions to decorate their pancakes where they had to be able to recognise the fraction and simplify it.

WW2 Role Play

Primary 6 carried out role play to demonstrate their understanding of what they have learned so far with their WW2 topic.  All children got fully involved and were brilliant at acting.  The class were split into groups where each group had a scenario to act out.  The rest of the class had to use their knowledge to guess the scenarios their peers were acting out.  This was a fun lesson and great for children to show their understanding of the topic so far.

Persuasive Writing.

Primary 6 are using AFOREST to support them with persuasive writing.  AFOREST includes the features used in persuasive writing.  Primary 6 looked for these features in newspapers and online articles.

A – alliteration. F- Facts. O- opinion. R-repetition. E- emotive language. S- statistics. T – three rule of adjectives.

With their knowledge of the features, p6 then created a whole class persuasive piece of writing.  This was based on ‘Are mobile phones necessary?’ They all agreed to write in favour of mobile phones.