Good Morning everyone! 😃
- There will be no blog posts tomorrow, Friday and Monday as these are inservice/bank holiday.
- If you haven’t already sent me a poster with a positive message please can you it. Mrs MacPhail and Mrs Lowden are planning to make a display with these posters on our school gates, so can I ask you all to let me know if you give consent for them to use your poster. Simply say “yes I am happy to have poster displayed” or “no I don’t want my poster display” when you send me the poster via email. I have emailed those of you who have already sent posters over.
- I would like you all to up level this paragraph by including personification. You may want to use some powerful adjectives too. If there are any words you are unsure of, find the definition of them.
- Continue with yesterday’s worksheet. I have circled the task I would like you to do today.
- Then once you get that finished log in to sumdog to practice your mental maths.
🌏🌎🌍 Continue with your research. Click the link below to find out the difference between the Arctic and Antarctica. Watch the short clip.
✨I am working in the hub next week so there won’t blog posts daily. On Tuesday I will post a list of activities you can work through in that week.
Enjoy the long weekend ❤️