Tackling bullying

On Monday primary 6 engaged in a lesson around bullying.  As a class we explored some of the consequences of bullying and the strategies we could use to deal with it.

We watched a video created by Burger King that highlighted how bullying can sometimes go unnoticed.  Click the link to watch the video now:


Using the class novel ‘Wonder’,  we took extracts from the story and analysed them by identifying the bullying and strategies used by Auggie.

Each child in the class wrote a nasty word on a post it note and stuck this to our class volunteer.  We had a discussion around the power of words and what we do when we say something we don’t mean.  The class all answered with “sorry”.  The post it notes were then removed and placed into a pocket.  This highlighted to primary 6 that although the victim did forgive, they will carry the words around for a long time.

We ended the lesson with drama.  Each group had to act out a negative scenario and resolve it using a strategy discussed in the lesson!

A brilliant effort from all in p6!

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