Meteorites ☄️🌏

This week primary 6 you are going to research meteorites and the impact they have.  Using the link below explore the 3 tabs.  There are animations and videos to watch to gain a better understanding of the material you are reading.

The link should take you to this page…

Online Games – Visit the NASA website for some fun online games.

Art Activity (optional) 

  • Whilst you are collecting notes on this topic it would be nice to draw a picture to match and to add to your fact file or whatever way you have recorded your notes.   Using the templates below or if you are confident enough to draw free hand, I would like you to draw a meteor.   Using either a red or orange pencil (only 1 coloured pencil) I would like you to use your shading skills to create the colours of a meteor.  Remember shading comes from the pressure you use when colouring. If you want a part to be a deep orange you add more pressure and if you want it to be a lighter orange add less pressure.

Sumdog Challenges 🤔

Sumdog Challenges

Start Date – 4/5/20 @ 9am

End Date – 11/5/20 @3pm

  • Spelling Challenge – common words, plural words, irregular plurals and words in past tense.
  • Grammar Challenge – adjectives and prepositions, question words and,  plurals and apostrophes.
  • Maths challenges set for each group. Triangles, squares and circles you will all be completing different challenges.

Get started with the challenges whenever you can! Good Luck 🌟

Monday 4th May 2020

Morning Primary 6☀

I hope you all had a great weekend!


  1. Ask an adult at home to pick 6 new RWI words and test you on those.  With any incorrect words pick a task from your spelling grid and complete it.
  2. I would like you to edit the first paragraph of your creative writing piece.  Use ‘YIPPEE YELLOW and PINK FOR THINK’.  You can do this independently and share your edited paragraph with a sibling or adult at home. (If available) When editing your paragraph look at your word choice, spelling and punctuation.  Can any of that be changed and made better?


  1. Complete challenges below.
  2. Start sumdog challenge.

Triangles and Squares complete questions 1&2 using partitioning and 3&4 using chimney sum method.  Be careful when taking away.  You cannot subtract a big number from a smaller number. 

Circles be careful when taking away.  Look at question 7,  74-19.   You cannot take 9 from 4, so what must you do?   I hope you all thought “borrow from a neighbour”

Use a calculator to see if your answers are correct.


Today marks 6 weeks since the schools closed early.  I understand some of you are probably getting agitated and bored but it is so important you stay positive.

I want to stress again that it is important none of you or your families are worried about the home learning.  You are all responsible learners and I trust that you are all doing what you can at this time.  There is no expectation that you complete every task I set on the blog or that you work for 6 hours each day. Do what is right for you!

This is a gentle reminder that you will be going into p7 in August 😱 If you take a little time out your day/week to do some revision then you will be all set for the new school year!! Keep up the good work👏🏼

I am missing you all dearly and I can’t wait to reunite with you all 🥳.   Please get in touch if needed!  I will send you all an email next week to check in, so keep a look out 👀

Have a great weekend p6!☀️

We’re all in this together 🎶

Friday 1st May 2020

Good Morning p6! 😁

All I ask you to do is;

  1. Finish any unfinished work. (Possibly your writing task or research of the Earth.)
  2. If there is anything you didn’t get the chance to start and want to start, then you can catch up.
  3. Check out PJ Reading Festival via
  4. Lots of different literacy activities on that site, give one a go!🤓

Have a good day!! The weekend is near 😃