This week primary 6 you are going to research meteorites and the impact they have. Using the link below explore the 3 tabs. There are animations and videos to watch to gain a better understanding of the material you are reading.
The link should take you to this page…
Online Games – Visit the NASA website for some fun online games.
Art Activity (optional)
- Whilst you are collecting notes on this topic it would be nice to draw a picture to match and to add to your fact file or whatever way you have recorded your notes. Using the templates below or if you are confident enough to draw free hand, I would like you to draw a meteor. Using either a red or orange pencil (only 1 coloured pencil) I would like you to use your shading skills to create the colours of a meteor. Remember shading comes from the pressure you use when colouring. If you want a part to be a deep orange you add more pressure and if you want it to be a lighter orange add less pressure.