Monday 4th May 2020

Morning Primary 6☀

I hope you all had a great weekend!


  1. Ask an adult at home to pick 6 new RWI words and test you on those.  With any incorrect words pick a task from your spelling grid and complete it.
  2. I would like you to edit the first paragraph of your creative writing piece.  Use ‘YIPPEE YELLOW and PINK FOR THINK’.  You can do this independently and share your edited paragraph with a sibling or adult at home. (If available) When editing your paragraph look at your word choice, spelling and punctuation.  Can any of that be changed and made better?


  1. Complete challenges below.
  2. Start sumdog challenge.

Triangles and Squares complete questions 1&2 using partitioning and 3&4 using chimney sum method.  Be careful when taking away.  You cannot subtract a big number from a smaller number. 

Circles be careful when taking away.  Look at question 7,  74-19.   You cannot take 9 from 4, so what must you do?   I hope you all thought “borrow from a neighbour”

Use a calculator to see if your answers are correct.

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