Good Morning P6😁
- With your 6 RWI words, find the definition and a synonym for each word.
- Continue carrying out research on the layers of Earth. This is allowing you to access reading and get better at note taking. Gather your notes together!
Yesterday was World Earth Day and the Dundee Science Centre are publishing different home learning challenges. Click the link and give a challenge a go!
- Sumdog challenge. I have been keeping an eye out and will post the results tomorrow! 👀
- Hit the button on topmarks is a great game for those of you who need to practice your timetables! To make it more interesting, why don’t you record your score each day or week? You will be able to see for yourself the progress you are making!! 👍🏼😁
Here is my score for today 😃 Can you beat the teacher?
Remember BBC bitesize have daily lessons available.
Stay safe 🧡