Matthew Fitt Talk

Matthew Fitt

On Wednesday 18th April, P5/6 met Matthew Fitt at Menzieshill Library.

“Matthew Fitt is a well-known children’s author. He writes poetry and stories which are read and enjoyed by children of all ages. His most popular book is The Eejits, a Scots translation of Roald Dahl’s The Twits.” (Taken from Matthew Fitt’s website).

Matthew spoke to P5/6 about his life growing up in Dundee and his life in the Czech Republic now. He made us chuckle when he told us a funny story about his little boy talking to him in Czech and Scots. Matthew has just finished translating Roald Dahl’s Revolting Rhymes and putting his own twist on the stories. He read “Cinderellie” and received a lot of laughs throughout and a round of applause at the end!

Matthew chose a child from P5/6 to dress up as Harry Potter and gave him a broom. He gave other pupils soft orange balls and one child a yellow ball (snitch). The children enjoyed throwing the balls at “Harry” whilst he worked hard to bat them away.  This was such a fun game for the children to play and we will ensure we play this again in the gym hall/playground this term).

We would like to take this opportunity to say, “ta very muckle fir yir banter, us bairns had a richt guid laugh wi yi!” 🙂

Thank you very much Matthew Fitt!

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