Newspaper Studies

This term, P5/6 are studying different features of newspapers, i.e Sports/Entertainments/News/Editorials/Features/Advertisements/Humour and pupils are learning how to find examples of biased/balanced/sad/funny/inspirational news stories.

P5/6 enjoyed a newspaper treasure hunt, whereby they had to work with a partner to find the answers to questions relating to articles pinned around the classroom.  Pupils took part in “Have I Got News For You” activities where they guessed the missing word in a headline and made up their own word to add humour to the headline.

P5/6 were given words relating to newspaper articles and worked in groups to decide what the stories were about, i.e plogging, park, rubbish, photo, Instagram, London – Joggers in London are running through parks, collecting rubbish as they go then displaying photos of the rubbish collected on Instagram.  This is called “plogging”.

P5/6 pupils are reading up on the issue of plastic pollution and are carrying out their own research to allow them to write a newspaper article

Read All About It!

We have been watching clips from SKY’s ocean Rescue “A Plastic Tide” and “A Plastic Whale” to gather notes.



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