All posts by DDddouglas366@glow

Online Research

This week we visited different websites and watched short video clips during our ICT time to find the answers to questions about Scotland. These questions covered topics such as wildlife, famous Scots and historic events. We then used the information gathered to create leaflets about Scotland. There is so much to see and do in this beautiful country we call home!


Miss Douglas doesn’t give us a lot of to kick back and relax in P5 but when we do get a little bit of spare time we like to play games and do puzzles with our friends. Keiran, Ibrahim, Douglas and Chloe were feeling proud of tasks they worked on together today.

Safer Internet Day

Tuesday was ‘Safer Internet Day’ and we spent some time discussing what we can do to stay safe online. We discussed who we play with online and what we like to play. In pairs we came up with things others can do to make us feel good or happy online. We came up with things like … inviting us to play a game, complimenting something we have made online or posting something nice. We also came up with things that others might do online that might make us feel bad such as insult us or exclude us from games but invite others. We discussed why others might do this and we came up with some good suggestions. We watched a clip about what we can do when something worries us online and the most important thing to do is to TELL a trusted adult. Doing nice things for friends strengthens real and online friendships but we don’t have to put up with anything that upsets us online. We will look more at using the internet and staying safe online this term.




Over the last three weeks students from Dundee and Angus College have been coming to St Ninian’s to teach P5 how to play golf. We have been working on a number of different skills including gripping, standing and swinging. We also tried it out a number of strategies for hitting the ball for short and long distances such as ‘chipping’. The sessions were lots of fun and the coaches were very helpful. We hope to see them again in the future.


This week we have been looking at time. We have been focusing on telling and showing the time using ‘past’ and ‘to’. We have been telling the time to the minute using digital and analogue clocks. We are also learning how to convert between 12 and 24 hour time. When we are finished our mental maths and main maths task we can do an extension activity or play a game from our maths box with a friend.


Today we did some drama linked to our class literacy work and learning to do with Scotland.  We started by playing games to get our imagination and creativity going. The games also helped us to get moving and into character.

We have been learning about newspapers during class literacy time and today we took some of our knowledge forward to plan and act out a tv news report. In groups we had to write a script that included information on a Nessie sighting and questions for eyewitnesses. Some of us presented our tv news reports at the end of the lesson to the rest of the class. They certainly were entertaining!


This week we took part in a short karate lesson with Dan from Kanzen Karate. We learnt some new moves and tried our best to put power into them.

Miss Douglas was relieved to not be involved in a karate kick demonstration this time.

Thanks, Dan! We had lots of fun!


We have been working on different computing skills in ICT. Today we practised saving, locating and printing files from our documents folder. We had lots of fun using the new school laptops to make our own avatars!

Design Challenge

We recently moved into new cooperative learning groups and have been working together on a range of activities. One task involved designing and making a shoe from scratch. This was particularly challenging as the shoe had to stay on and fit a member of each team. There was a time limit and each person had a role to carry out to help complete the task.

Although each group came across a number of problems they all successfully completed the task by making a strong and wearable shoe. Miss Thompson was so impressed she had to try them on…well the ones that were big enough.

You all came up with a unique design from trainer to slipper to sandal…they all looked fantastic! There was lots of cooperating going on within each group too. You were able to come up with a design by agreeing on one idea or by including an element from each person’s design. At the end each group had to evaluate their shoe and show it to the rest of the class. Well done P5!