Summer Fayre

For our Summer Fayre this year P5 decided to run a ‘Decorate a Doughnut’ stall. We were very enterprising throughout the whole process. We came up with ideas for toppings and looked at supermarkets online to compare prices and to create a shopping list. We wrote to Asda and Tesco and we were lucky enough to receive some free doughnuts and toppings. You can see by the pictures below we were very excited by the arrival of the doughnuts from Asda and we loved trying them!

We then went on to make posters and banners to advertise our stall. Together we made menus, labels and boxes!

We are pleased to say we made a huge profit of £72! We were so pleased. Overall, the school made a massive £1784! Well done all at St Ninian’s. Thanks to Tesco and Asda for donating items to us and to all who came and decorated a doughnut with us!! It was great fun! 😊

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