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Pet Patrol 🐾

Justine from the SSPCA visited the class this week to discuss the importance of caring for Pets and what the SSPCA do. We learnt lots of facts about different animal and talked about what to do if an animal was in danger or injured. We played games, watched video clips and completed a quiz. The talk was really interesting and we asked lots of questions.

Dundee 15


Today as part of the Dundee Fit 15, we danced for 15minutes to Just Dance. The class all participated and even sang along to the tunes. Each day we will be raising our heart rates for 15 minutes by getting involved in a physical activity. This week we have walked and ran in the playground. Over the next few weeks we will try lots of different activities and record how they made us feel.

Halloween fun! 🎃

During maths time we played a game called roll a pumpkin where we had to calculate the number to draw parts on our pumpkins. In art we used a dotting technique to paint scary ghosts, then used our cutting skills to make a paper pumpkin. We enjoyed our Autumn party being all dressed up for the occasion and also the school parade.

Dundee IDL home learning


To finish off our IDL learning on Dundee Mrs Brankin set is the task of applying all the knoweledge we had about landmarks around Dundee and make models at home. These were created  for construction, Lego, junk and lolly pop sticks. We created the Tay Rail and Toad Bridge, Law Hill, Caird Hall, Dens Park, Cox Stack and Dennis the Mence. Lots of effort,  creatively and fun had at home making these! Mrs Brankin thinks they are all fantastic! Great job 😀