Category Archives: Uncategorized

Primary 2 – Home Learning – Thursday 28th May

Good morning, here’s hoping the sun will shine!sun-face | Dancing With Fools

Today’s learning:


Remember the RWInc lesson:

Try a “Hold a sentence” activity: ( Look at each and identify red and green words. Check the green spellings, by “Fredding”, check the punctuation, say the sentence many times in different voices till you can hold it in your head. Now write it. Check with a grown up as to how you got on.

For ar (set 2 sounds): ( green, pink and new yellow groups)

It is hard to start the car.

We need a part to mend the car.

For set 3 sounds ( a-e); ( established yellow and grey groups)

I am going to eat that cake on my plate!

It is too late to make lunch!


Today practice r:

and n: n

and  m: m

and h: h

Remember to start by going down, then up and make the tunnel. The letter formation stories are on the sheets ( just click on the green letters above to see the sheets.)


Play a target game and add up your score:

Maybe use one of the ideas on past posts ( and if you are lucky enough to have garden, try playing outside).

You could choose any containers and number them, try throwing a ball, rolled up sock, fircone or similar to score. Add up your scores.

Have fun as your practise your adding and your throwing!


Other activities

Sadler’s Wells have some excercise classes for young children and families on You Tube. This one is all about shape:Family Dance Workshop for kids aged 2 – 6: Shapes - YouTube

Fun with sticks

Twigs Sticks And Branches Stock Photo - Download Image Now - iStock

There are some fun ideas on this site:

Friendship bracelets

If you have some different coloured thread in your home, you might like to make a bracelet, like the ones you did in your LOL group at school.


Primary 2 – Home Learning- Wednesday 27th May

Hallo again! Wishing you all a

Hope all are well.


If you have an old egg box, you might want to make a game to help with your numeracy. Just write a number  in each section. Throw a stone/ pine cone/ rolled up sock/or piece of paper/ small ball, etc  5 times. Add up your score. Play against someone else in your family or keep challenging yourself. Alternatively, play the first person to reach a score of 20. You can use bigger numbers if you want to.




Grey and established yellow groups, try this game to practise using the a- e sounds: ( go to Main session)

New yellow, pink ,and green groups  try this game to practise using the special friends “ar”.:

Here’s a story to listen to and then sequence pictures from the story. Green and red groups might enjoy this:

It did take a while to load on my computer….

And if its sunny, and you are lucky enough to have a garden, why not enjoy reading a book outdoors.Stock photo: Kid Boy Read Book Outdoor

JKRowling is also posting chapters of her new book, which is aimed at 7-9 year olds, and some of you may enjoy.There’s also a competition to do some illustrations to accompany the book:


Other Activities

  • Answers to yesterday’s quiz: The photos are of a dandelion and dandelion seeds. When the flower dies away, you see the seeds. They then blow away and land somewhere else where they take root and another dandelion plant grows. Some people in Scotland know this plant as a ” pee the bed”. It is called this because you can wash and cook the plant, but if you eat /drink too much of the plant, it might cause you to have a sore tummy and wet the bed! The second set of photos were a  nettle. It is always good to be able to recognise this plant as its leaves can sting! The second photo was a dock leaf. Dock leaves grow close to nettles. If you are unlucky enough to sting yourself on a nettle, rubbing a dock leaf on your hand / leg which has been stung, helps relieve the soreness.
  • Fancy a jigsaw?  Jigsaws are great at developing our co-ordination. Try : Jigsaw Puzzle Market Tendencies, Revenue Forecast and ...
  • Dalmatian Dog 102 Dalmatians: Puppies To The Rescue Puppy Perdita ...Try this puzzle to find the missing dogs:
  • Or a spot the difference puzzzle: the Menace to stop bullying 'gay' Walter

Primary 2 – Home Learning Tuesday 26th May

Hallo Everyone!

Hope your families and yourself are well.

Sending everyone a smile!Morning clipart sunshine smile, Morning sunshine smile Transparent ...

Now, back to some learning:



I know many of you love a challenge. I wondered if you might like to try these Suduko challenges for children. Please ask an adult to copy them into your jotter for you to solve



Each row and each column must have the numbers 1, 2 , 3 and 4.

Each 2 x 2 box must have the numbers 1, 2 , 3 and 4.


3 4
4 3 1
4 1 3
1 3 4

Now try this one.

1 2 3
3 2 1
1 3
4 1 2

Can you do this one?

4 3
3 2 4
1 3
2 1 3

Try this one.

4 1
3 2
1 3



Try these ( using your 100 square)

Fill in the missing numbers

___3 ___ 5___ 7___ 9___ 11___


29 ___ 31___ 33___ 35___ 37___39___


20 ___ 18___ 16___ 14___ 12___ 10___


3      6    ___    12  ___   18   ___  24


10 ___   20  ___  30     35     40  ____

Which number is 3 more than 27?

Which number is 3 less than 31?

Which number is 10 less than 79?



You did so well with remembering your stories of 10. Here’s a little practice:

( You could do these verbally)

5  +   ?        = 10            6  +      ?     = 10

7  +   ?      = 10            2  +   ?        = 10

1  +      ?     = 10            4  +    ?       = 10

3  +    ?      = 10            9  +   ?       = 10



10 – 6 =                  10 – 8 =            10 – 1 =

10 – 2 =                 10 – 0 =              10 – 3 =

10 – 4 =                10 – 5 =                10 – 10 =

Or you might like this game:Flip 10!



You might like to make a minature book:

an elastic band being added to a mini book spine

You might want to use it to write a story. Alternatively, each page might have a sound ( from your sounds  booklet) Write words containing each sound ( ask an adult to read them to you from the booklet). It might be an alien word book. Each page could contain new alien words ( remember an alien word is one you make by blending sounds. They don’t make a regular word.  d + ee + z, or th + a + b)

Story time

I’ve mentioned this site before, there are some great stories to listen to, and if you silence the speaker, each word is highlighted and maybe some of you would be able to read along with the stories.

Other activities

In our walks around school we would find out about the things we see. We watched the leaves change colour and fall from the trees in autumn. We saw the winter berries for the birds to enjoy and spoke about how some trees don’t lose their leaves and are called evergreen leaves. We used these in our Advent wreathes.

I know you have all been on your own walks with your families.

Mrs Taylor saw some things on her walk yesterday and wondered if you have seen these things when out walking.

Here’s a quiz:

  1.  What are these 2 things and how are they connected? (the yellow flower and the puff ball?)

2. What are these 2 plants? How are they connected?

Ask an adult, or maybe look on the internet. I will give answers tomorrow.



Here’s a reminder of the link to lots of children’s yoga sessions:

Cosmic Kids Yoga: the mindfulness app for children | GoodtoKnow

Keep safe everyone!


Primary 2 – Home Learning -Wednesday 20th May

Hallo everyone!

Hoping all are well, and sending a smile!Five Obstacles to Happiness (and How to Overcome Them) – Daily ...

I have included more activities today , as tomorrow, Friday, and Monday 25th wouldn’t have been school days, but if you are looking for some activities, hopefully you can find something here or in past posts.


Today is the 20th May. How many different ways can you make 20?KS1 Number Bonds to 20 | Improve Addition and Subtraction

Here’s a start: 19 + 1 = 20, 21- 1 =20, 18 + 1 + 1 = 20, 2 x 10 = 20

Using addition and subtraction ( and squares and triangles you can aslo use the times tables you know) find as many ways as you can. You might want to use household objects ( such as lego, pencils, pasta, cheerios, etc)  or your 100 square or rods online , selecting two 10 rods and finding how you can match the length of these, to help.

  • Squares  Solve these problems:   There are 6 pairs of socks in the washing machine. How many socks are there altogether? You draw an alien world. There are  4 aliens. Each has 5 arms. How many arms do you draw? You make  8 cakes and decorate each with 2 chocolate buttons. How many chocolate buttons do you need?  In a game you score 15 in the first level, 5 in the second level and only 2 in the third level. What is your total score?


  • When I was writing your reports, I looked back at your writing and was SO IMPRESSED with how you have remembered the letter formation stories. Let’s try some writing today.               Here’s a reminder:Letter-formation-chartRead write inc letter formationTry writing in the blank space in your jotter, remembering how to form the letter and its size. You might want to use different colours.Maybe you might like to try using the lines:
  • Reading – Enjoy reading any story online or a book at home.

Other activities

    • Make a dinosaur         I found this activity on the National Museums Scotland site, where there are lots of activities to do at home, and videos to watch to find out more about things that interest you. Some are for older children, but you might be able to do this activity with an adult’s help.


Take care, and remember you can contact me if you need to, or want to tell me any news, by adding a comment on the blog, or by e mailing to glow, using your Glow e- mail (on  front of learning folder)

Mrs Taylor (ddataylor425)

Primary 2 – Home Learning- Tuesday 19th May

Wishing everyone well for Tuesday!File:Face-smile.svg - Wikimedia Commons

Here are some ideas for today’s home learning:


Circles and triangles , here’s some practice with stories of 10 and 20:

There’s a re-  cap, 3 activities and a song!

KS1 Number Bonds with Martin Dougan - BBC Sport

Triangles and squares, practise your times tables with this challenge:

Learn Your Tables International - a powerful free resource to ...

You may have to enable Flash. It says it is tablet friendly. Select answer or test and the times table you want to practise (2 or 10 for triangles and 2, 5, or 10 for squares)


  • Remember today’s Read Write Inc lesson:

  • Most of us have used exclamation marks a lot. We call them our “With feeling ” marks and use them at the end of sentences  when we say something with a lot of feeling, such as  :

Be careful!

Don’t run, please walk!

Wow, that’s amazing!

My pizza is delicious!

The following is most suitable for the grey and yellow groups due to the reading:How to use an exclamation mark - BBC Bitesize

There is an explanation, 2 activities and a quiz to complete.

Pink and green groups, you might like the following:

Write these sentences in your jotter and add a full stop or a “with feeling” mark at the end. Think carefully about which one you need!

Look at me

The tree is green

This is so yummy

I am so good at reading

Other activities

Make a moving snail picture

You might be able to make this, or similar.




Primary 2 – Home Learning – Monday 18th May

Good morning again everyone!

Smiley - Wikipedia

I had an enjoyable week working in the hub.

I hope you are all well.

I hope you managed some learning; here are some more ideas:


The older boys and girls in the hub were doing some numeracy last week. They all said how important it was to remember their times tables and stories of 10, as you keep using them as you go up the school. So, I thought I would give you some more ways of practicing them today.

Squares and triangles

Here’s a link to the game we have played in  P2:Hit the Button Gets Even Better! | The Topmarks Blog

( select times tables, then squares you could use 2, 5 or 10x, triangles, 2 or 10 )

You might also want to use the dominoes from your pack.

How about a game ( similar to the ones we played in class) ?

Make a game like this(add you own sums) and play with an older brother or sister or grown up. Roll a dice, when you land on a square, answer the question. If you get it right, you may stay where you are. If you get it wrong, move back to the start. Good luck !

Here’s a funny dance to help you remember your 5 times tables:

The 5 Times Table with the Posh Pooch - BBC Sport


This game practises your number stories of 10 and your taking away ( use the 100 square or household items such as pasta, lego, cuddly toys, etc to help you take away,if you get stuck)

Make a game like this(add you own sums) and play with an older brother or sister or grown up. Roll a dice, when you land on a square, answer the question. If you get it right, you may stay where you are. If you get it wrong, move back to the start. Good luck !

The link below gives great practice in adding on and counting back. Activity 2 has a worksheet with pictures of Numicon (as we used in school):



Remember to read ( here’s the link to free e- books again): Owl free ebooks | Spelfabet

and to practise sounds on your sounds chart and the daily sounds lessons on :

Set 2 and 3 sounds Read Write Inc videos | Rowlands Gill Primary ...

( just click on today’s lesson – available for 24 hours)

Monday 18th May
Set 1 (red group)
– ng
Set 2 (green, pink and new yellow groups)
– oo
– look at a book
Set 3 (established yellow and grey groups)
– ew

Here’s another activity for children in the grey and established yellow Read Write Inc groups:

The gruelling grammar quiz - BBC Bitesize

It shows you how we can use and to join two ideas. You did a tiny bit about this in class, but it explains it well and i am sure you will manage it.

Alternatively try joining these sentences:


I can see a car. I can see a tree.  I can see a car and I can see a tree. 

I like pizza. I love chips.

I can sing. I can dance.

My name is___________. I like to play football.

Other activities

We tried both of these in the hub last week:

We used a piece of paper divided into segments, stuck it onto a piece of card, then cut it out ( old cereal box again!) and stuck a pencil through centre.

It’s fun to see what happens to the colours when you spin the spinner!

Have a good day boys and girls!

Primary 2 – Home Learning – 11th – 15th May

Good morning everyone!smiley face gif | Tumblr

 I am working in the hub this week , so will not be posting daily.


There are many ideas in previous posts you might like to try or any ideas from your learning pack.

Here are a few more ideas  too:


  • Try to practise Read Write Inc sounds.
  • If you haven’t tried writing a 4 part story or a set of instructions, you might like to use this template in your pack to write one.

You might write about how to play a game you have been playing at home, a job you have been doing to help, something a pet does or maybe a made up story.

All Learning

Here’s a quick reminder of  some sites to help:

Other activities

  • Grow a rainbow! This looks like fun:  Grow a Rainbow Experiment
  •  I saw this post and thought it would be a good game to practise your throwing: 
  • This looks interesting post too, you could practise cutting and sticking and you could use  an old paper or magazine:

There are many more sites  on previous posts, along with other learning ideas.

Have fun playing with your regular games and toys.

Hope the sun shines and you manage to get outside.

Take care P2!


Primary 2 – Home Learning – Thursday 7th May

Good morning everyone!

Rainbow Color Smileys | Love smiley, Smiley face, Smiley

Here’s a few more suggestions:


BBC Bitesize have included a game on sentences and punctuation. If you are in the grey or yellow groups, you might like to try it:

( Select Sentences to put words in order to make a sentence. This will give practise with reading, or Punctuation where you may practise putting capital letters and full stops in the correct place.)

Click to play the game

The Karate Cats games help support these skills too. I  found this site a little tempremental  but it seems to be working better now:

Click to play the game

BBC Bitesize have these clips to help the red group with set 1 sounds.The green group might like them too:

The ch sound




You might like to practise your number stories of 10.

number bonds

The sheet above was found on the BBC Bitesize site which gives reminders about the stories ( bonds) of 10;

Here’s a idea using a 10 space empty egg box:

Empty Egg Carton Isolated On White Background Stock Photo, Picture ...

Fill for example 4 spaces with stones/ lego/ dried pasta or similar. How many spaces are empty? Make the stories of 10 this way.

Similarly, you could put 10 items in and take 2 away to demonstrate 10-2= 8.



You might want to play the games above to practise your number stories of 10, or use your 100  square to answer these:

  • You score 24 points in a game, then score another 6 points. What is your new score?
  • You have 30 pencils and lose 5. How many do you have left?
  • There are  20 biscuits in the tin. 10 are eaten . How many are left?
  • In a game, you land on the space marked 48. It tells you to go back 8 spaces. What space will you land on?



Can you solve these problems?

  • You score 10 twice in a game. What is your total score?
  • You build 8 towers with lego to make supports for a building. Each tower has 5 lego bricks in it. How many lego bricks  do you use for the towers?
  • Each member of your family eats 2 biscuits. How many biscuits are eaten?
  •  Each packet of sausage rolls contains 2 sausage rolls. How many sausage rolls would you find in 7 packets?



Other activities

  • It might be fun to make a puppet like this one:

( you could use  paper instead of wool)

  •  If you have an old sock, maybe you could stick some paper or fabric features on to make a puppet and put on a show to entertain your family.

Tomorrow would have been a school holiday so I will not post any activities tomorrow.

Wishing everyone well-

Take care !

smiley smileyface colors rainbow outline freetoedit...



Primary 2 – Home Learning Term 4- Wednesday 6th May

Sending wishes for a happy Wednesday!

Here’s  more ideas for today’s learning:

Image result for smiley face (With images) | Happy smiley face ...



Can you put missing numbers in these number lines? :

place value

All groups

I saw this idea, which you might be able to make.

A piece of leftover wallpaper or card from a box , or page from a newspaper could maybe be useful.

Make a paper plane or throw a ball or rolled up piece of paper or sock through the holes. Have 3 turns. Add up your scores. You could choose any numbers you liked.

Here’s a similar idea:

DIY Outdoor Games for Kids | Outdoor games for kids, Kids party ...

You could use  cups or similar items you might find around your home.


  • In previous posts I spoke about adjectives ( describing words) and gave you some activities you might have liked to try. Here’s a link to  a set of activities ( a reminder about adjectives,, a talking nad listening activitysome writing and some drawing:

It also contains a clip of an allotment where food is grown, linking our work in term 1.

BBC Two - Focus, Difference and Discrimination, Episode 2, A visit ...

Suitable for grey and yellow groups.

Other activities

Memory game

Try this:

or this one:


Music Notes Cartoon, PNG, 622x481px, Haverford Township Free ...

You all loved our Kodaly visits from the music specialist where we learned about beat and rhtyhm. Here’s some ideas to practise all your musical skills.

Take care P2. 

Remember you can message me if you want to ask about any learning, or sharing any news by adding a comment on the blog or via Glow e mail ( password on front of folder)

Mrs Taylor

Primary 2 – Home Learning – Term 3 – Week 4 – Tuesday 5th May

With best wishes for Tuesday!Happy Tuesday | Happy day quotes, Happy tuesday


There is a new Read Write Inc activity ( different ones daily on website I mentioned again yesterday):


  • If you have any lego, you might enjoy playing this activity I found, it helps you become a good listener.

Listen and Build
Activity steps
• Ask the child to  find a blue
2*4 brick, a red 2*4 brick and a green
2*4 brick.
• Then secretly build a model with
those 3 bricks and keep them covered
so that the child cannot see what
you have built.
• Describe to the child how you built
the model. The children should then
try to build it in the same way.
• The children have to listen carefully,
and not ask any questions.


A daily story is available at :


Another cards activity:Atelier Playing Cards by Robert Padbury — Kickstarter

Take 2 cards and add the numbers together, the player with the highest number wins.

Another dice activity:Dice | Board Game Category | BoardGameGeek

Roll 2 dice. Add the numbers together and cross out the total score.

Copy a grid into your jotter or print this out if you have a printer and ink. Sum-Connect-4

You could play this as Connect 4 or Bingo.



Other activities

  • Here is a link to a site where you can make your own tune. It looks fun!

Take care everyone! Wishing you well !