Primary 2 – End of term

Well everyone, who would have imagined we would have spent the last term in P2, in such a strange way! I have missed you all.

Firstly, I would like to say a huge thank you to all the grown ups involved in helping you learn at home. Well done children too, I know there will have been times when learning has been tricky, but thank you for all your efforts too.Thank You Clipart Minion

You will have also heard by e mail from Mrs MacPhail that Mrs Taylor is beginning a new adventure herself . She has decided to retire, and instead of being a teacher is going to be involved in lots of different activities , and hope to travel and see more of my grandchildren in England; although I will need to be patient for a wee while longer before I can do so!

I am sure you will all have such great fun with Miss Macdonald in P3. She is really looking forward to seeing you, and has lots of fun things lined up for you to do.

Now if we had been in school, we would have been doing lots of fun activities. So, this week I have put together a selection of activities you might want to try.

You are of course welcome to try any of the learning activities you have missed too.

Many of the following activities are from past posts, that you may have missed, along with some new ones too.

Grow colours

We tried this in the hub, and it was SO much fun!

Draw a flower on kitchen towel, leaving spaces between each line.


Now spray water onto the picture.

Wait…. and watch….as the colours mix together.



This also works well as  a rainbow picture:

Word of caution grown ups, the colours may also leak onto the surface below the kitchen towel, so easiest done outside.


If you have an empty cereal box, you might like to make this with some adult help:Cereal Box Guitar – Craft Instructions

or  a trickier one :Cereal Box Weaving – Craft InstructionsCereal Box Teddy Bear – Craft Instructions

or another trickier one:Cereal Box Puppet Theatre – Craft Instructions

or maybe :Cereal Box Teddy Bear – Craft Instructions

Leaf rainbow prints       

We tried this in the hub too, and kept experimenting with different leaves.

Take a leaf and on the underside (not the shiny side,) colour between the veins with rainbow coloured felt pens.

Now, turn the leaf over and press down on a piece of paper, rubbing all over the leaf.(It is probably easiest to hold the stalk as you do this)

Take the leaf away , and………

you should have a lovely rainbow leaf!


Target games

Play a target game and add up your score:

Maybe use one of the ideas on past posts ( and if you are lucky enough to have garden, try playing outside).

Throwing and catching picture

We had fun making these in the hub too:

Draw 2 people facing each other. On a separate piece of paper, draw a football, basketball etc. Make 2 slits on the first piece of paper near the hands you have drawn. Insert the long strip of paper with the ball on, and move the ball between the players.



There are daily PE activities on this site which you can do indoors or some outside if you are lucky enough to have  a garden:

New 'Move Crew' programme to get children moving - PE Scholar

Design a home for a Superhero competition

Mr White kindly gave me the link to this competition. I know how much you like to design………

Closing date for Dundee entries is Monday 6th July. GOOD LUCK!!

Make  a den or a play item:

How creative can you be with some ” junk” items to make a model or re arrange furniture to make  a den?

Car made out of cardboard boxes - Fun craft to keep the kids ...122 Best Cardboard Box Crafts images | Cardboard box crafts ...Castle Centerpiece From Recycled Cardboard Tubes - creative jewish momHow to Make a Blanket Fort: 12 Steps (with Pictures) - wikiHow


Wishing you a SUPER SUMMER!

Have A Supersummer

All Best Wishes

God Bless!

Mrs Taylor  x

and a special wave from Ronnie (who will keep the classroom safe all summer!)

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