Primary 2 – Home Learning – Tuesday 2nd June

Hallo again everyone!

Happy Tuesday!!! - Sand Castle Learning Center | Facebook

For today’s learning, please try activities from those suggested below in the Literacy and Numeracy sections:



  • There is a lesson with many activities using punctuation. It is suitable for grey and yellow Read Write Inc groups. There is a lot to do in this lesson, so please just try some today and some tomorrow:

Using capital letters and full stops

It starts with a reminder of how to use punctuation (filmed before social distancing). Activity 1 is a game:

Click to play the game

Select sentences and easy to put words into the correct order and ensure each sentence has a capital letter and full stop.Then select punctuation and an option to practise using different punctuation.

In Activity 2, you are asked to write  sentences before watching the clip. After watching it, write some more.

In Activity 3, you are asked to make a list ( as in Monday’s suggested Literacy activity on blog). You might then write some sentences using some of the words in your list.

  • ReadWriteInc 

Here are some reading activities on the Read Write Inc site. Just click on the arrow to scroll through words to read words using the sounds you know. These words are in the books you at your level.

Green group 

Please practise reading these words:

Pink group

Please practise reading these words:

Yellow groups

Please practise reading these words:

Grey group

Please practise reading these words:


Squares and Triangles

Practise using your 10 times tables:

The 10 times table

For activity 1, write 2 number sentences ( sums) fro each picture, an addition one and a times table one. ( example 10 + 10 + 10 = 30 and 3 x 10 =30)

There are games in activity 3 and 4.

Activity 2 is more suitable for squares as it uses “turnaround sums”

(2x 10 is the same as 10 x 2)



You have been learning about numbers bigger than 10 or 20.

Take your 100 square.Dry-Wipe 100-Square Board - Teacher's Display - HE1816991 | Hope ...

Ask an adult to say a number. They will tell you something about it, can you guess what it is?

Examples : My number is the number that comes between 21 and 23. 

My number is the number that comes just before 31.

My number is the number that is 2 more than 18.

Other activities

This site has many ideas to do outside:

  • Some groups enjoyed making pictures from natural materials as part of our LOL Fridays. This activity is mentioned on the site and is something you might like to do ( activity 4).
  • Activity 2 gives instructions on how to make a bird feeder.
  • If you collected some leaves for yesterday’s art activity, you might like to try and identify the trees the leaves came from. sheets - Woodland Trust
  • Here’s a similar one to identify where sticks come from: sheets - Woodland Trust

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