Primary 2 – Home Learning Tuesday 26th May

Hallo Everyone!

Hope your families and yourself are well.

Sending everyone a smile!Morning clipart sunshine smile, Morning sunshine smile Transparent ...

Now, back to some learning:



I know many of you love a challenge. I wondered if you might like to try these Suduko challenges for children. Please ask an adult to copy them into your jotter for you to solve



Each row and each column must have the numbers 1, 2 , 3 and 4.

Each 2 x 2 box must have the numbers 1, 2 , 3 and 4.


3 4
4 3 1
4 1 3
1 3 4

Now try this one.

1 2 3
3 2 1
1 3
4 1 2

Can you do this one?

4 3
3 2 4
1 3
2 1 3

Try this one.

4 1
3 2
1 3



Try these ( using your 100 square)

Fill in the missing numbers

___3 ___ 5___ 7___ 9___ 11___


29 ___ 31___ 33___ 35___ 37___39___


20 ___ 18___ 16___ 14___ 12___ 10___


3      6    ___    12  ___   18   ___  24


10 ___   20  ___  30     35     40  ____

Which number is 3 more than 27?

Which number is 3 less than 31?

Which number is 10 less than 79?



You did so well with remembering your stories of 10. Here’s a little practice:

( You could do these verbally)

5  +   ?        = 10            6  +      ?     = 10

7  +   ?      = 10            2  +   ?        = 10

1  +      ?     = 10            4  +    ?       = 10

3  +    ?      = 10            9  +   ?       = 10



10 – 6 =                  10 – 8 =            10 – 1 =

10 – 2 =                 10 – 0 =              10 – 3 =

10 – 4 =                10 – 5 =                10 – 10 =

Or you might like this game:Flip 10!



You might like to make a minature book:

an elastic band being added to a mini book spine

You might want to use it to write a story. Alternatively, each page might have a sound ( from your sounds  booklet) Write words containing each sound ( ask an adult to read them to you from the booklet). It might be an alien word book. Each page could contain new alien words ( remember an alien word is one you make by blending sounds. They don’t make a regular word.  d + ee + z, or th + a + b)

Story time

I’ve mentioned this site before, there are some great stories to listen to, and if you silence the speaker, each word is highlighted and maybe some of you would be able to read along with the stories.

Other activities

In our walks around school we would find out about the things we see. We watched the leaves change colour and fall from the trees in autumn. We saw the winter berries for the birds to enjoy and spoke about how some trees don’t lose their leaves and are called evergreen leaves. We used these in our Advent wreathes.

I know you have all been on your own walks with your families.

Mrs Taylor saw some things on her walk yesterday and wondered if you have seen these things when out walking.

Here’s a quiz:

  1.  What are these 2 things and how are they connected? (the yellow flower and the puff ball?)

2. What are these 2 plants? How are they connected?

Ask an adult, or maybe look on the internet. I will give answers tomorrow.



Here’s a reminder of the link to lots of children’s yoga sessions:

Cosmic Kids Yoga: the mindfulness app for children | GoodtoKnow

Keep safe everyone!


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