Primary 2 – Home Learning -Wednesday 20th May

Hallo everyone!

Hoping all are well, and sending a smile!Five Obstacles to Happiness (and How to Overcome Them) – Daily ...

I have included more activities today , as tomorrow, Friday, and Monday 25th wouldn’t have been school days, but if you are looking for some activities, hopefully you can find something here or in past posts.


Today is the 20th May. How many different ways can you make 20?KS1 Number Bonds to 20 | Improve Addition and Subtraction

Here’s a start: 19 + 1 = 20, 21- 1 =20, 18 + 1 + 1 = 20, 2 x 10 = 20

Using addition and subtraction ( and squares and triangles you can aslo use the times tables you know) find as many ways as you can. You might want to use household objects ( such as lego, pencils, pasta, cheerios, etc)  or your 100 square or rods online , selecting two 10 rods and finding how you can match the length of these, to help.

  • Squares  Solve these problems:   There are 6 pairs of socks in the washing machine. How many socks are there altogether? You draw an alien world. There are  4 aliens. Each has 5 arms. How many arms do you draw? You make  8 cakes and decorate each with 2 chocolate buttons. How many chocolate buttons do you need?  In a game you score 15 in the first level, 5 in the second level and only 2 in the third level. What is your total score?


  • When I was writing your reports, I looked back at your writing and was SO IMPRESSED with how you have remembered the letter formation stories. Let’s try some writing today.               Here’s a reminder:Letter-formation-chartRead write inc letter formationTry writing in the blank space in your jotter, remembering how to form the letter and its size. You might want to use different colours.Maybe you might like to try using the lines:
  • Reading – Enjoy reading any story online or a book at home.

Other activities

    • Make a dinosaur         I found this activity on the National Museums Scotland site, where there are lots of activities to do at home, and videos to watch to find out more about things that interest you. Some are for older children, but you might be able to do this activity with an adult’s help.


Take care, and remember you can contact me if you need to, or want to tell me any news, by adding a comment on the blog, or by e mailing to glow, using your Glow e- mail (on  front of learning folder)

Mrs Taylor (ddataylor425)

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