Primary 2 – Home Learning Term 4 Week 4 – Monday 4th May

Good morning everyone! Hope everyone is well.

Let’s hope the sun shines today!

Yellow Happy Face BUTTON PIN BADGE 25mm 1 INCH Retro Rave House ...


Here are some new learning ideas for today:

These of course supplement any from previous weeks and are yours to choose from when you are settling down to a little home learning and you may of course choose as many or as few as your day or week suits.

Any suggestions from previous weeks, and activities from your folder can also be used.


The Read Write Inc site are now giving daily lessons:

Each day a lesson on one of the sounds from your speed sounds booklet is given for you to follow. Each lesson is available for 24 hours. Each lesson is 10 to 15 minutes long. You may choose any of the lessons that are available of course for your stage.

Red – set 1 sounds

Green , pink and  new yellow– set 2 sounds

Established yellow and grey – set 3 sounds


Here’s a reminder of how we form letters for some handwriting practice. handwriting_phrases_v2

Try some in your jotter or maybe try writing with a wet brush and water outside ” painting” on the ground. Any old brush  would be fine to use- a paintbrush, toothbrush, nail brush, etc


If you want to do some more formal sums, here’s a selection to try:


Try these ( ask an adult to copy them into your jotter):

5 + 5 =

10 – 6=

7 + 2=

10 – 8=

9 + 1 =

10 – 3 =

You could use items in the house to help you count

( lego, toys, pasta , etc ) or your fingers, or the 100 square in your leaning pack.


Try these ( ask an adult to copy them into your jotter):

23 + 10 =

35 + 10=

41 + 10=

57 + 10=

63 + 10 =

Use your 100 square

You should see a pattern. ( Each answer is directly below the first number)


Here’s a mixture- can you remember how to do them?

You may use your 100 square, paper rods or the rods online ( see last Friday’s post), or fingers  to help.

56 + 10=

87- 10=

6 x 2 =

35 + 20=

6 x 5 =

8 x 10=


Other activities


  • Yoga and excercise

If you enjoyed the Cosmic Kids excercises and yoga last week,  you might like the Frozen episode:Frozen | A Cosmic Kids Yoga Adventure! - PLAYLIST | Movie Specials ...

or the Minecraft episode?

Minecraft | A Cosmic Kids Yoga Adventure! - YouTube

  • Active games / excercise

There are daily PE activities on this site which you can do indoors or some outside if you are lucky enough to have  a garden:

New 'Move Crew' programme to get children moving - PE Scholar


  • Art and craft

If you are lucky enough to have an outside space you might want to make a bug hotel. Ask an adult to help with the cutting!

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