Primary 2 – Home Learning Term 4- Week 3 – Friday 1st May

Good morning everyone! Here’s a selection of new activities. Remember you can use any previous ones , or ones from your learning pack.

Try to do a little literacy, numeracy and something else each time.

I am really excited about being able to use rods ( as in class, but online this time- please see link below. There can be used to solve any of the numeracy problems ( squares and triangles)

Emoji, emoticon, happy, smile, smiley, wave icon



Remember to read, and practise your sounds on the chart.

On Monday I mentioned how listening is a really important skill.

  • You might like to play this game:

or one involving a drum sequence for you to copy:

  • Perhaps, a member of your family might ask you to get a number of items from around the house.  They may only  ask you once- listen carefully! How many can you remember?  Please remember to put all the things back in the right place!!



I am very excited by this opportunity to use the rods we have in class, but online this time.

All groups

This gives us a chance to play with the rods we use for number online, to remind us of the values each colour has, in a little problem solving activity.

Drag the rods from the right hand side into the “playing area”.

1 = white

2 = red

3 = light green

4 = pink

5 = yellow

6 = dark green

7 = black

8 = brown

9 = dark blue

10 = orange

Triangles and squares

Now you can make a picture with the rods ( as we did in class, but this time online rather than with actual rods!)

Make your picture and work out the value of it.

Here is Mrs Taylor’s picture:

It has  value of 10( orange) + 10( orange) + 10( orange) + 10 ( orange) + 2 ( red)  + 2 ( red) + 2 ( red) + 1 ( white ) + 1 ( white) = 48.


What pictures will you make?

Other activities

Maybe try some yoga?



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