Wishing you a good Tuesday P2!
You might want to try some of the ideas below.
All groups:
- Try playing Musical cushions ( see idea below in numeracy) with words from you sounds booklet under cushions. Can you read the words you find?
- Practise Read Write Inc activities from yesterday’s post.
Grey and established yellow groups:
In Read Write Inc you learned a little about commas. We use commas in a list. When mentioning the last two items in a list, we use and:
I ate pizza, chips, tomato and lettuce.
This site gives an explanation and some activities to do.
Try this matching and memory game:
Her’s a slightly harder one:
Squares and triangles
- If you have a pack of cards in your house, you might enjoy this activity:
Play with an adult , or older brother or sister.
Take 5 cards from the pack each, one at a time . Each time you take a card from the pack, add its score onto the previous score. Ace scores 1, Jack 11, queen 12 and king 13.
Who has the highest score?
Good luck!
All groups
If you have a few paper plates, this might make a fun numeracy game to make. Each coloured hoop could have a different value. Throwing each hoop, add up the score. Alternatively, use one hoop and practise your times tables ( squares and triangles).If you don’t have anything to colour the plates, write a number on each one, or draw a pattern on each one to make them different.
- Musical cushions.
Ask an adult to write a number on small pieces of paper and place one under cushions on the floor.Play your favourite music. When the music stops sit down on a cushion and collect the number from under the cushion. Repeat. When you have 3 numbers, add them up to find your score.
Other activities
Have you been able to make a den yet?
Sometimes we get a bit fed up being in the same place. Using a sheet or blanket, some cushions, a clothes airer maybe and a table or chair you might be able to make a place to read a book, draw a picture, play a game, eat a snack or build something amazing. Clothes pegs are good for joining things together.
Make a spinning toy:
You could use plain paper, colour stripes and cut these out, or just use plain paper.