Primary 2 – Home Learning Term 4 Week 3 – Monday 27th April

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Hope everyone is well.

Change to hub rota means I should be able to post learning all week.

In P2 our learning this year has been to learn lots of new things and build upon things we already knew. We can learn how to use these skills in different ways, numeracy in games, writing and reading away from the classroom.

Each day I will continue to post some ideas for literacy, numeracy and other learning.

There are a few written activities today, with a couple of practical activities. I will add more practical activities and games tomorrow.


Reading and Writing

We are all trying to develop our reading and writing skills.

Here’s a quick look again at how we can do this using the Read Write Inc learning we are used to doing in school:


Green , pink, yellow and grey groups

Please try to practise your sounds chart each day. Remembering the special friends’  sounds is one of the best ways of helping our reading and spelling.


Her’s a reminder of how they sound;

Set 2 sounds :

Set 3 sounds:

Choose a sheet from your sounds booklet as often as you can manage ,and “Fred” each word, read, then spell and ask an adult to read each word so you can write it.

Some days you might want to try to “Hold a sentence.”

Look at the sentence, chat about any red words and why they are red words ( what is strange about them, in what way do they not follow the sounds rules) and “Fred” ( spell with your Fred fingers)any green words. Look at the punctuation.

Say the sentence in different voices ( we have great fun doing this at school, a croaky voice, a quiet voice an excited voice , a proud voice , etc).  This helps you remember the sentence.

I gave examples of sentences in week 1, but here are some more:

Set 2 -or sound

The black horse is too short.

Set 2- air sound

Do not put my chair on the stair!

Set 2  ee sound

What can I see when I am  up high in the tree?

Set 3 – oa sound

The goat has a green coat.

Set 3 sound – i-e

It is time to smile!

Now write the sentence, without looking at the sentence. Check- how well did you do?



Have a look at these sentences:

Set 2 booklet users: ( green, pink and new yellow groups)

I can see three green frogs. They are sleeping.

Now look at this sentence. What do you need to do to correct it?

i can see tree green frog they ar sleeping.

Set 3 booklet users: ( established yellow and grey groups)

It is time to make a good cake! It will be nice to eat.

Now look at this sentence. What do you need to do to correct it?

it is tighm to make a good cake it wil be nice to eet.


Red group

This game helps you think about which sounds you might find at the start of words:


Each new post this week I will add other ideas for reading and writing.


In class we tried to be really independent and follow instructions carefully. This is something we can do at home too.

Try this listening game:

Ask a grown up to read these instructions to you ( they may only say each instruction once, so listen carefully……..Good luck!)

  1. In your jotter find the next clean page.
  2. Point to the blank part , above the lines.
  3. Draw a very big diamond shape in this empty space.
  4. At the lowest point of the diamond, draw a wiggly line that swirls into the lined space.
  5. In the diamond shape, draw a smiley face.
  6. Write your name on the lines.

How well did you follow the instructions?

You might want to try this game with different instructions.

I will show you Mrs Taylor’s picture at the end of the blog.



In P2 the squares have been learning about tens and ones in  numbers, learning about the connection between addition and subtraction ( taking away) and a quick way of counting ( skip counting and times tables).

This means we can work out how to solve everyday problems:

You might want to try and work out the sum you need to solve this problem. Drawing a picture of each “story” may help.

There are 10 t-shirts,   3 jumpers and 2 towels on the washing line on a windy day.

How many items are on the line?

When the washing is brought in, there are only 14 items in the basket.

How many things have blown away?


There are 10 fish fingers in each pack.

How many fish fingers are there in 4 packs?

If you eat 5 fish fingers, how many would there be left?



In P2 the triangles have been learning about the stories of 10

( numbers which add up to 10), learning about numbers to 100 and learning about the connection between addition and subtraction

( taking away) and a quick way of counting ( skip counting and times tables).

This means we can work out how to solve everyday problems:

Try and work out the sum you need to solve this problem. Drawing a picture of each “story” may help. Your 100 square might help you too.


You have 10 felt pens. 2 do not work any more. 

How many do you have left ?

You score 35 in a game. Then you score another 10 points.

What is your score now?

You line up your toys in pairs. You have 6 pairs of cuddly toys.

How many toys do you have ?


You have been learning about numbers beyond 10 and your number stories of 10.

Try answering these questions. You might want to draw a picture to help. Can you write the sum. Is it an adding sum ( if we make more ) or a taking away sum?

There are 10 biscuits in the tin. You eat 3 of them. How many are left?

You draw a picture with 6 unicorns. Then you draw another 4 unicorns. How many unicorns are there in your picture altogether?

You score 7 in a game, then get another 3 points. How many points do you have altogether?


All groups

You might want to try this game:



In P2 we have been trying to be independent. This would be  a great time to practise tying laces if you haven’t managed to do so yet.


How to tie your shoelaces in just two seconds – round of applause ...

An activity to make with an adult:

This is not one to be independent with –

Ask an adult to do the cutting please !!Vector Caution Danger Sign, Yellow Triangle Flat Icon, Dangerous ...

If you have an empty plastic bottle and markers/paint, you might enjoy making a spinner with an adult:


Keep fit:

For something different today, why not try this:

Once you have tried your first name, maybe try your second name, or the day of the week?




Here’s my picture from the listening activity:

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