Primary 2 – Week 2 – Friday 24th April

I wonder what you have been doing this week children.

I hope you have remembered to smile.Sad Face To Smiley Face Gif , Transparent Cartoon, Free Cliparts ...


Story writing ( yellow and grey groups)

Ask an adult to give you 5 things to find in the house or garden. Collect them and write a story about them in your jotter.

Remember to put all the items back afterwards!!


Word challenge ( green and pink groups)

Choose a  letter from each column. Join them together to make a word. Draw the picture to go with each word.

If its an alien word , draw what you think it might be…. maybe an alien , or an alien food, or alien toy, or alien vehicle?

m                       a               p

r                         e               f

h                       i                m

s                       o                t

c                     u                b

Example: s + i + b  = sib . It is an alien word

h + a + m = ham . It is a real word.

Read Write Inc ( new  yellow and pink and green groups)

Take your set 2 sounds booklet.

Find the  ar page.


Read the words , ” Fred” the words with your ” Fred fingers”

Ask an  adult to write and say this sentence:

It is hard to start the car!

Repeat it many times ( grown up’s turn, your turn ) until you know it .

Ask the adult to cover the sentence so you can’t see it.

Write it in your jotter. How well did you do?



This game is a fun way to practise your taking away skills.

You may need to enable Flash.


This game didn’t seem to need me to use my Oxford Owl password, just asked me to put a name in the “owl”, any made up name worked. If you find it does need a login , it is on the front of your learning pack.


Try this game to practise your 2 times tables:

or this for your 10 times tables:

These games didn’t seem to need me to use my Oxford Owl password, just asked me to put a name in the “owl”, any made up name worked. If you find it does need a login , it is on the front of your learning pack.


Try this game to practise your 5 times tables:

This game didn’t seem to need me to use my Oxford Owl password, just asked me to put a name in the “owl”, any made up name worked. If you find it does need a login , it is on the front of your learning pack.

You may also play the games suggested for the triangles.

Various – all groups

I would like to refer you to the book trust again.

There is a section about authors and illustrators which lists many things going on in the literacy world for children :

Scroll down for a list of activities suitable for 6-8 year olds: Stories to listen to, art activities relating to books and much more.


Better service, one smile at a time -- FCW

Have  a good weekend.

Keep safe !

I will be working some days in the hub next week , so won’t give daily updates, but please keep spending a little time working. I will post a few ideas, but of course the ideas and sites I have given this week can still be used next week, along with your home learning pack.

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