Primary 2 – Home Learning – Monday 20th April – Numeracy

Some Numeracy ideas for today:


  • This game will help you practise taking away:

Select content 1-10 and choose the speed, I would start with slow.

(You may need to enable Flash)

  • Try these :

Draw a picture in your jotter to tell the story. 

Cross out the things which are taken away.

Can you write the sum to go with each story?


There are 10  cakes.  You eat 2 cakes. How many are left?

Draw 10 cakes, cross out 2

10 – 2 =8

  • There are 10 fish swimming in the river.

6  fish swim away.

How many fish are left?

  • There are 10 flowers growing in a garden.

You cut 5 flowers to take indoors.

How many are left?

  • There are 10 socks drying.

8 socks dry and are put away.

How many socks are left drying?


Triangles and Squares

Using only these numbers printed in red, can you make the larger number printed in green?

You can add numbers together, take away or even use lots /sets of (multiply ) : x, using the 2 or 10 times tables or squares you can maybe use the 5 times tables too.

You may only use each number once!


        1           2            9            10          11                                     18

Answer: 9 x 2 = 18

or  11 + 9 = 20 then -2 = 18

or 10+ 9 = 19 then -1 =18

Good luck!

Challenge 1:

2            3            6            9            14                                            12

Challenge 2 :

4            5            7            13          25                                            20

Challenge 3:

1            2            3            6            20                                            25

Challenge 4:

5            10          20          25          35                                            50


All groups

If you have any lego at home, make towers,  give each tower a value and play hoopla! Add the scores together.




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