Primary 2 – Home Learning Term 4 – Day 4 – Thursday 30th April

Hallo again Primary 2!TIME Guide to Happiness |


  • A little writing today………………This link takes you to the story of the Little Red Hen. We listened to, and acted this story when we were learning about where food came from in term 1.

The Little Red Hen

Here are some activities  connected to this story:

Green group – Can you write hen , cat, dog, duck , cat. Do  the play activity 2 linked to this activity.

Pink group – Choose a picture and write a sentence about it.

Yellow groups- Choose a picture and write a few sentences about it or do the grey group’s task.

Grey group- Imagine you are the red hen- how do you feel about the other characters. Or maybe be one of the animals, what would you do differently another time?


Try any previous activities you haven’t managed yet or ones from your pack or any mentioned here:


Here’s a fun game  where you need to match a sum to a number. Remember that adding numbers together makes a bigger number and taking away makes a smaller number.

This one is a little trickier:

Triangles and squares

Playing card - Wikipedia

If you have  some cards, you might want to play this game with an adult or older brother or sister:

First to 100:

Take turns to take a card, add on the value to the previous card .

( Ace is 1, Jack is 11, Queen is 12 and King is 13)

( You will need to write down your new score each time).

You can use your 100 square to help you.

The first player to reach 100 is the winner.

If this is too tricky, then try first to 50 or 30.

100 White Dice - 16mm: Toys & Games

Play the game above , but with a dice this time ( You may still have one in your book bag). Play first to 50.

Other activities

  • Here’s a few more jigsaws to help with dragging and dropping using the mouse, great IT skills and working hard with developing our hand /eye co ordination:Clipart Of Jigsaw Puzzle



  • If you have a paper plate, here’s an idea:

 Decorate your hat once you have made it.

Or make this heart hat:

Or maybe make paper plate flower. You might want to decorate it in rainbow colours and display it in your window:

Primary 2 – Term 4 – Week 3- Day 3 – Wednesday 29th April

Hallo everyone!

I hope you are all well. I wonder what you have been doing at home? Remember you can always let me know by adding a comment on the blog.

Here’s some more ideas for today:


  • Try some of the Read, Write Inc activities from Monday’s post.
  • Spelling with Lego:

If you have lego, you might be able to do this. Use a dry erase pen or stick letters on.

You could also write words on, and make a sentence.


  • Play  ‘Simon says’ a  good way to practice listening and memory skills. How to Play Simon Says: 10 Steps (with Pictures) - wikiHow
  •  Play yes/no games. Choose an object, person or animal and answer yes or no to  questions from an adult until they guess what they are thinking about.



  • This link takes you to the clip we watch at school to form our numbers correctly.  You might want to have a practice in your jotter.

  • If you have an empty box and a kitchen towel roll, you might be able to make this:

 Can you score 20? or 25?  or 30?

Or can you just move the ball from 1 to 10?

You could mark each tunnel with a higher number and try to move the ball from the lowest number to the highest.


Other activities

  • Make your own board game:

Empty cereal boxes are great for this:

31 days of learning.

  • Play ‘Kim’s game’. Put a few items on a tray (for example, a crayon, an apple, a building brick, a toy car). Then look, cover, remember and check!
  • Paint with water! We do this at school to practise our letter formation outside. All you need is a brush and some water! ( maybe you could practise your number formation)


Keep smiling,

from Mrs TaylorSGEM#78: Sunny Days (Pediatric Pain Control) | The Skeptics Guide ...


Primary 2 – Home Learning – Term 4 -Week 3- Day 2 – Tuesday 28th April

Wishing you a good Tuesday P2!Sun Icon, PNG, 1202x1202px, Emoticon, Cartoon, Facial Expression ...

You might want to try some of the ideas below.


All groups:

  • Try playing Musical cushions ( see idea below in numeracy) with words from you sounds booklet under cushions. Can you read the words you find?
  • Practise Read Write Inc activities from yesterday’s post.

Grey and established yellow groups:

In Read Write Inc you learned a little about commas. We use commas in a list. When mentioning the last two items in a list, we use and:

I ate pizza, chips, tomato and lettuce.

This site gives an explanation and some activities to do. lists in sentences



Try this matching and memory game:

Her’s a slightly harder one:

Squares and triangles

  • If you have a pack of cards in your house, you might enjoy this activity:


Play with an adult , or older brother or sister.

Take 5 cards from the pack each, one at a time . Each time you take a card from the pack, add its score onto the previous score. Ace scores 1, Jack 11, queen 12 and king 13.

Who has the highest score?

Good luck!

All groups

  •  If you have a few paper plates, this might make a fun numeracy game to make. Each coloured hoop could have a different value. Throwing each hoop, add up the score. Alternatively, use one hoop and practise your times tables ( squares and triangles).If you don’t have anything to colour the plates, write a number on each one, or draw a pattern on each one to make them different.
  • Musical cushions.The 5 Best Floor Pillows of 2020Ask an adult to write a number on small pieces of paper and place one under cushions on the floor.Play your favourite music. When the music stops sit down on a cushion and collect the number from under the cushion.  Repeat. When you have 3 numbers, add them up to find your score.

Other activities

Have you been able to make a den yet?

How to Make a Blanket Fort: 12 Steps (with Pictures) - wikiHow

Sometimes we get a bit fed up being in the same place. Using a sheet or blanket, some cushions, a clothes airer maybe and a table or chair you might be able to make a place to read a book, draw a picture, play a game, eat a snack or build something amazing. Clothes pegs are good for joining things together.

Make a spinning toy:

Origami Paper Spin Toy || DIY TOY spinning Ball || How to make ...

You could use plain paper, colour stripes and cut these out, or just use plain paper.


Primary 2 – Home Learning Term 4 Week 3 – Monday 27th April

Good morning everyone!Plain White Face Clip Art at - vector clip art online ...

Hope everyone is well.

Change to hub rota means I should be able to post learning all week.

In P2 our learning this year has been to learn lots of new things and build upon things we already knew. We can learn how to use these skills in different ways, numeracy in games, writing and reading away from the classroom.

Each day I will continue to post some ideas for literacy, numeracy and other learning.

There are a few written activities today, with a couple of practical activities. I will add more practical activities and games tomorrow.


Reading and Writing

We are all trying to develop our reading and writing skills.

Here’s a quick look again at how we can do this using the Read Write Inc learning we are used to doing in school:


Green , pink, yellow and grey groups

Please try to practise your sounds chart each day. Remembering the special friends’  sounds is one of the best ways of helping our reading and spelling.


Her’s a reminder of how they sound;

Set 2 sounds :

Set 3 sounds:

Choose a sheet from your sounds booklet as often as you can manage ,and “Fred” each word, read, then spell and ask an adult to read each word so you can write it.

Some days you might want to try to “Hold a sentence.”

Look at the sentence, chat about any red words and why they are red words ( what is strange about them, in what way do they not follow the sounds rules) and “Fred” ( spell with your Fred fingers)any green words. Look at the punctuation.

Say the sentence in different voices ( we have great fun doing this at school, a croaky voice, a quiet voice an excited voice , a proud voice , etc).  This helps you remember the sentence.

I gave examples of sentences in week 1, but here are some more:

Set 2 -or sound

The black horse is too short.

Set 2- air sound

Do not put my chair on the stair!

Set 2  ee sound

What can I see when I am  up high in the tree?

Set 3 – oa sound

The goat has a green coat.

Set 3 sound – i-e

It is time to smile!

Now write the sentence, without looking at the sentence. Check- how well did you do?



Have a look at these sentences:

Set 2 booklet users: ( green, pink and new yellow groups)

I can see three green frogs. They are sleeping.

Now look at this sentence. What do you need to do to correct it?

i can see tree green frog they ar sleeping.

Set 3 booklet users: ( established yellow and grey groups)

It is time to make a good cake! It will be nice to eat.

Now look at this sentence. What do you need to do to correct it?

it is tighm to make a good cake it wil be nice to eet.


Red group

This game helps you think about which sounds you might find at the start of words:


Each new post this week I will add other ideas for reading and writing.


In class we tried to be really independent and follow instructions carefully. This is something we can do at home too.

Try this listening game:

Ask a grown up to read these instructions to you ( they may only say each instruction once, so listen carefully……..Good luck!)

  1. In your jotter find the next clean page.
  2. Point to the blank part , above the lines.
  3. Draw a very big diamond shape in this empty space.
  4. At the lowest point of the diamond, draw a wiggly line that swirls into the lined space.
  5. In the diamond shape, draw a smiley face.
  6. Write your name on the lines.

How well did you follow the instructions?

You might want to try this game with different instructions.

I will show you Mrs Taylor’s picture at the end of the blog.



In P2 the squares have been learning about tens and ones in  numbers, learning about the connection between addition and subtraction ( taking away) and a quick way of counting ( skip counting and times tables).

This means we can work out how to solve everyday problems:

You might want to try and work out the sum you need to solve this problem. Drawing a picture of each “story” may help.

There are 10 t-shirts,   3 jumpers and 2 towels on the washing line on a windy day.

How many items are on the line?

When the washing is brought in, there are only 14 items in the basket.

How many things have blown away?


There are 10 fish fingers in each pack.

How many fish fingers are there in 4 packs?

If you eat 5 fish fingers, how many would there be left?



In P2 the triangles have been learning about the stories of 10

( numbers which add up to 10), learning about numbers to 100 and learning about the connection between addition and subtraction

( taking away) and a quick way of counting ( skip counting and times tables).

This means we can work out how to solve everyday problems:

Try and work out the sum you need to solve this problem. Drawing a picture of each “story” may help. Your 100 square might help you too.


You have 10 felt pens. 2 do not work any more. 

How many do you have left ?

You score 35 in a game. Then you score another 10 points.

What is your score now?

You line up your toys in pairs. You have 6 pairs of cuddly toys.

How many toys do you have ?


You have been learning about numbers beyond 10 and your number stories of 10.

Try answering these questions. You might want to draw a picture to help. Can you write the sum. Is it an adding sum ( if we make more ) or a taking away sum?

There are 10 biscuits in the tin. You eat 3 of them. How many are left?

You draw a picture with 6 unicorns. Then you draw another 4 unicorns. How many unicorns are there in your picture altogether?

You score 7 in a game, then get another 3 points. How many points do you have altogether?


All groups

You might want to try this game:



In P2 we have been trying to be independent. This would be  a great time to practise tying laces if you haven’t managed to do so yet.


How to tie your shoelaces in just two seconds – round of applause ...

An activity to make with an adult:

This is not one to be independent with –

Ask an adult to do the cutting please !!Vector Caution Danger Sign, Yellow Triangle Flat Icon, Dangerous ...

If you have an empty plastic bottle and markers/paint, you might enjoy making a spinner with an adult:


Keep fit:

For something different today, why not try this:

Once you have tried your first name, maybe try your second name, or the day of the week?




Here’s my picture from the listening activity:

Primary 2 – Week 2 – Friday 24th April

I wonder what you have been doing this week children.

I hope you have remembered to smile.Sad Face To Smiley Face Gif , Transparent Cartoon, Free Cliparts ...


Story writing ( yellow and grey groups)

Ask an adult to give you 5 things to find in the house or garden. Collect them and write a story about them in your jotter.

Remember to put all the items back afterwards!!


Word challenge ( green and pink groups)

Choose a  letter from each column. Join them together to make a word. Draw the picture to go with each word.

If its an alien word , draw what you think it might be…. maybe an alien , or an alien food, or alien toy, or alien vehicle?

m                       a               p

r                         e               f

h                       i                m

s                       o                t

c                     u                b

Example: s + i + b  = sib . It is an alien word

h + a + m = ham . It is a real word.

Read Write Inc ( new  yellow and pink and green groups)

Take your set 2 sounds booklet.

Find the  ar page.


Read the words , ” Fred” the words with your ” Fred fingers”

Ask an  adult to write and say this sentence:

It is hard to start the car!

Repeat it many times ( grown up’s turn, your turn ) until you know it .

Ask the adult to cover the sentence so you can’t see it.

Write it in your jotter. How well did you do?



This game is a fun way to practise your taking away skills.

You may need to enable Flash.


This game didn’t seem to need me to use my Oxford Owl password, just asked me to put a name in the “owl”, any made up name worked. If you find it does need a login , it is on the front of your learning pack.


Try this game to practise your 2 times tables:

or this for your 10 times tables:

These games didn’t seem to need me to use my Oxford Owl password, just asked me to put a name in the “owl”, any made up name worked. If you find it does need a login , it is on the front of your learning pack.


Try this game to practise your 5 times tables:

This game didn’t seem to need me to use my Oxford Owl password, just asked me to put a name in the “owl”, any made up name worked. If you find it does need a login , it is on the front of your learning pack.

You may also play the games suggested for the triangles.

Various – all groups

I would like to refer you to the book trust again.

There is a section about authors and illustrators which lists many things going on in the literacy world for children :

Scroll down for a list of activities suitable for 6-8 year olds: Stories to listen to, art activities relating to books and much more.


Better service, one smile at a time -- FCW

Have  a good weekend.

Keep safe !

I will be working some days in the hub next week , so won’t give daily updates, but please keep spending a little time working. I will post a few ideas, but of course the ideas and sites I have given this week can still be used next week, along with your home learning pack.

Primary 2 – Home Learning Week 2- Thursday 24th April

Good morning

Hope everyone is well.

I am missing you all, but know you will be working hard ,and helping out at home. It looks like the sun will shine too which helps put smiles on our faces.

Work for today may include anything from earlier posts this week of course,if there was something there you would like to do but didn’t manage earlier this week.

Just try to choose a couple of learning activities each day.


Remember to practice sounds on sounds chart each day and choose  a sheet from your speed sounds booklet to practise reading and spelling.

 Listening and Reading

You may have found some great story books through the site I mentioned earlier this week:

Thre are books to listen to and books to watch being read on the “Storytime video ” section.

There are games too. The green and pink Read Write Inc groups may want to play this game :

There is a link on this site to:

The penguin books site above stories read on “you tube” which include a how to draw section at the end of the story.


Ask an adult to write the names of household items, sports equipment, animals, people, buildings etc on small pieces of paper. Put these in a bag? box and pull out  3 words. Can you write a

story / sentence in your jotter to include all 3 things?



This link tells you all about counting in 1s , then gives you some activities. Use your 100 square in your pack to help you.

This game also helps you order numbers ( it starts with very low numbers, but if you bear with it, it does progress further):

Circles and triangles

10 + 0 = 10

9 + 1 = 10

8+ 2 = 10

7 + 3 = 10

6 + 4 = 10

5 + 5 = 10

4 + 6 = 10

3 + 7 = 10

2 + 8 = 10

1 + 9 = 10

0 + 10 =10

Circles you practised your number stories of 10 with Mrs Brankin , whilst triangles we practised these in class. Try this game to practise these stories:


Select 10 as the number to make.

All groups

You might be able to try making this fun game.

Aim ball towards the numbered holes. Add up your score after 5 turns.

You need 

  • an empty box
  • a ball ( a rolled up piece of paper or sock works)
  • something to hit ball with ( your hand? or an empty kitchen roll tube or a pencil or wooden spoon?)

Other activities


How about some baking related to a book you might have read. Some use ingredients you may have at home.!?q=&sortOption=MostRecent&pageNo=1




Autism Vector Jigsaw - Puzzle Black And White | Transparent PNG ...


Hope you liked the link to the Glasgow Science Centre earlier this week:

I liked this activity which you might want to try:

Maybe if you have lego at home you might want to make a maze for your family to solve:

You might find a stone to roll in the maze if you don’t have a marble.



Maybe try this keep fit circuit:

or this game :


Wishing you a happy Thursday. 

Remember you can let me know what you have been doing, by sending a message via the blog.



Primary 2 – Home Learning Week 2 Days 2 and 3 – Tuesday 21st April and Wednesday 23rd April

Hallo again Primary 2, its been lovely hearing from some of you

( through comments on blog).

Here’s some more learning ideas for Tuesday and Wednesday

( remember they are only ideas….you do NOT need to do all of them!!) Try to do 1 literacy, 1 numeracy and 1 other  each day.

You can use these ideas or ones from previous days or ideas from your pack.



Remember to practise reading your sounds on your sounds chart

( from your pack) . Are you using a pencil or spoon or  to point to the words? Are you reading to a family member, your cuddly toys or a lego figure?

Try an activity from yesterday’s list or select one from ideas here:

Grey and yellow groups: (Pink group may try it too of course.)

If you enjoyed the adjectives activity yesterday, you might want to play this game to find more adjectives :

Remember an adjective is a describing word.

BBC Bitesize have introduced a great daily learning from home site and this lesson is all about adjectives. You might want to give it a try…. it looks  fun!:

Pink and green groups:

You may want to practice matching capital letters to lower case letters. This will help you remember what a capital letter looks like when you start writing a sentence or need one for the start of someone’s name.

Find an old newspaper , comic or magazine and ask an adult to cut out a selection of capital letters with their corresponding lower case letters. Hide them around the room. Search and match!

Alternatively ask an adult to write the capital letters and matching lower case letters and play as above.

Green group:

This game is great to help you practise reading:

( you may need to enable Flash)



Hope you managed yesterday’s challenges.

Squares and triangles 

For Challenge 1, Mrs Taylor made 12 by 6×2 or 9 + 3 or 14-2. Which ways did you find?

For Challenge 2, Mrs Taylor made 20 , by  4 x 5 ( squares group), 13 + 7 or 25-5. Which ways did you find?

For Challenge 3 , Mrs Taylor made 25 , by  20 + 3 + 2 or

20 + 6= 25 then -1.   Which ways did you find?

For Challenge 4, Mrs Taylor made 50 by 25+ 20 + 5 or 35 + 10 + 5.

Which ways did you find?


BBC Bitesize have some daily lessons and you may find this useful:

Triangles ( there is an explanation about how and why we count in 2s, similar to the work we did in the class, and some questions to answer)

Squares ( there are explanations about counting in 2s, 3s, 5s and 10s, similar to the work we did in class, and some questions to answer)

We haven’t looked at counting in 3s in class but you might want to have a look at this. Activity 1 covers all we have done in class so far.

There are 3 sets of questions. I know the squares group LOVE  a challenge, each set of questions gets a little trickier. How many questions can you manage??

You do not need to print these  questions out.

You can also use your paper rods and 100 square to help.


Circles and triangles

You have been working on learning your numbers beyond 20.

I wonder how far you have got?

Ask a grown up to say or write some consecutive numbers. Can you say  or write the next number? You could use  a ball ( or rolled up sock) to play the game we use in class. As you throw the ball to your brother/ sister/ Mum /Dad take turns in saying the next number: Mum : 25, you 26, Mum 27, you 28 etc.Football Cartoon png download - 600*517 - Free Transparent ...

Alternatively, play this game, selecting 100 as the highest number>





Primary 2 – Home Learning – Monday 20th April – Other ideas

If you want to try a science experiment:


We were kindly given a link to this experiment by a teacher from another school at the hub last week:

You need a little pepper, water , a dish and some washing up liquid, and it is fun to do.

It shows how soap can send other things away, such as germs and why it is so important to keep our hands clean.


This site also has a number of other experiments for children to try with an adult ( using different materials and geared towards different age groups):


Primary 2 – Home Learning – Monday 20th April – Numeracy

Some Numeracy ideas for today:


  • This game will help you practise taking away:

Select content 1-10 and choose the speed, I would start with slow.

(You may need to enable Flash)

  • Try these :

Draw a picture in your jotter to tell the story. 

Cross out the things which are taken away.

Can you write the sum to go with each story?


There are 10  cakes.  You eat 2 cakes. How many are left?

Draw 10 cakes, cross out 2

10 – 2 =8

  • There are 10 fish swimming in the river.

6  fish swim away.

How many fish are left?

  • There are 10 flowers growing in a garden.

You cut 5 flowers to take indoors.

How many are left?

  • There are 10 socks drying.

8 socks dry and are put away.

How many socks are left drying?


Triangles and Squares

Using only these numbers printed in red, can you make the larger number printed in green?

You can add numbers together, take away or even use lots /sets of (multiply ) : x, using the 2 or 10 times tables or squares you can maybe use the 5 times tables too.

You may only use each number once!


        1           2            9            10          11                                     18

Answer: 9 x 2 = 18

or  11 + 9 = 20 then -2 = 18

or 10+ 9 = 19 then -1 =18

Good luck!

Challenge 1:

2            3            6            9            14                                            12

Challenge 2 :

4            5            7            13          25                                            20

Challenge 3:

1            2            3            6            20                                            25

Challenge 4:

5            10          20          25          35                                            50


All groups

If you have any lego at home, make towers,  give each tower a value and play hoopla! Add the scores together.




Primary 2 – Week 2 Day 1 Monday 20th April- Literacy

Good morning boys and girls! Smile Face Wallpaper Free Stock Photo - Public Domain Pictures

Hope you and your families are all well.

It has been lovely to hear from some of you ( via comments section).

My adventure continued last week as I spent some time working in the hub, but am working from home this week, so will post some more ideas for learning.

I hope you have managed to spend a little time most days doing some literacy, numeracy and other activities , as well as playing, helping at home and hopefully as the sun comes out a little time outside.

The ideas on the blog are just ideas and no doubt you may find other ways of practising your skills or use the ideas in your pack.


Choose 1 idea:

  1. Scavenger hunt  Ask a grown up to write some of the words from your sounds sheets on pieces of paper and hide them somewhere. When you find them can you read them all?
  2. Set 3 sounds (  established yellow and grey groups) – Play the game we sometimes play in school. Select a page with 2 variations of a sound from your set 3 sounds booklet ( maybe igh and i-e). Ask a grown up to write igh on one piece of paper and i-e on another. Place each piece of paper in different places in the garden  or room. The grown up reads a word from the sheet and you run to the appropriate spelling. Good luck!
  3. The adjectives game. Adjectives are describing words. Children who have been in my yellow Read Write Inc group will remember the game we played with Ronnie the rhino. Ronnie collects adjectives. We passed around Ronnie and described him:Ronnie is grey, Ronnie is cold, Ronnie is kind, Ronnie is old, Ronnie is clever, and so on.  I thought you might like to combine some learning about animals with some work on adjectives. First select a zoo and watch the animal of your choice on the web cam ( this is a great site), draw a picture of this animal in your jotter. Underneath list as many adjectives as you can. ( For example A penguin is…….., or A tiger is …………How many can you think of? Alternatively, you could do this activity describing a favourite toy.
  4. Needing a new book? Try :  There are many ,many books free to read online, with a read aloud version and some offer some comprehension questions- just click on the lightbulb.  They also offer fun at home with the authors and illustrators, giving ideas for art and challenges. Enjoy!!


Numeracy and other ideas on other posts.