Primary 2 – Home learning Day 5- Friday 27th March – post 1

Good morning everyone, hope you and your families are all well.

Here’s one of the tunes we play in school first thing in the morning:

gummy bear | Gummy Bear - You really have to get behind this guy ...

Have a wee dance and smile!!

Here’s a selection of ideas to add to your pack to help with today’s learning at home.


How about a game of musical numbers?

Building Number Sense to 20: What All Teachers Ought To Know

Write a selection of numbers on pieces of paper and place them on the floor. Dance around to your favourite music. Ask a grown up to stop the music. When the music stops pick up 3 pieces of paper each and add the numbers together. The person with the highest score wins. GOOD LUCK!

Or  join the dots in 2s  ( triangles and squares group)

Again, please enable flash on your computer.


Online Shop Genuine skittles bao Xinbao Little Bear Plush Toys ...

Make a line of cuddly toys or pieces of junk ( empty cereal boxes and margarine tubs) or even a row of flowerpots!

Put a number on each one, maybe the same ones you used for musical numbers.

Roll a ball ( or rolled up pair of socks) at the “skittles”. Add up the scores on the “skittles” you hit.

This game can be played indoors or outside.



Find a number:

Circles and triangles group might like to practise finding a number. Play this game and use your 100 square in your pack to help you.

And a similar one for the circles group:

Ideas for literacy and other learning on next post.



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