Primary 2 – Home Learning Day 4 – Thursday 26th March – post 1

Good morning boys and girls. Hope you are all well. Sending you a smile this morning and one of our songs we like to start the morning with :

Image result for bare necessities


And please don’t forget there’s a chance for  a daily work out:

The previous day’s workouts are available too.

So, here are some ideas for today to add to any in your learning pack. ( you may do any of these activities when you want to and daily additional suggestions are put on the blog)

Remember to contact me via the blog – just add comment , or via glow ( details given yesterday and on the pack), if you are unsure about anything, or want to share any learning you have done at home.



Hope you managed to make a picture from household items or natural materials. Did you work out the value of the house picture? 

It was 34:

4 x 5 =20,

2×2 =4

+ 10


Squares and triangles might like to try a number challenge.

It involves listening to a set of number questions and giving answers. An adult might like to record your answers for you. You are able to progress through different sets of questions each colour coded. Can anyone manage to get through all the colours? Please let me know how you get on , I know many of you love a challenge!

Try cloud rating 1. Some children in the squares group might like to try cloud rating 2.


Please try one of the subtraction sheets in your home learning pack today if you have not done so already.

You might like this subtraction game too:

( you may need to enable flash to ensure it works)

Just pop the correct number of balloons.

Circles and triangles

This game involves putting numbers back into the correct place on the 100 square. Use the 100 square in your pack to help you.

Alternatively, ask an adult to cover a number, can you tell them which number is missing.

Work hard P2 and please be kind to those at home with you.

More ideas to follow on next post.


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