Primary 2 – Holidays

What an adventure we have been on this week Primary 2!

I hope everyone has had a chance to do some learning at home.

I will put more learning on the blogs after the holiday fortnight.

In the meantime, I wish you all well. Be kind to each other. Of course you are welcome to do any learning activities during this time, but also have fun playing.


Save some boxes and make a fun plaything….

Super cereal box fun - CBeebies - BBCCar made out of cardboard boxes - Fun craft to keep the kids ...


Find a board game and enjoy it ( or make your own…. on a piece of cardboard from those empty cereal boxes).  You had snakes and ladders in your book bags.

Here’s a game of pairs:

and another:


or make your own!


Go on a scavenger hunt ( indoors or maybe outside) can you find something  beginning with different letters,  different colours, etc. If you collect items from around the house. PLEASE put them back where you found them!


Do a jigsaw. There are some online if you don’t have any at home.

Help the grown ups at home please too! I’m sure they will have lots you can help with.


Save any pictures and post them to me , or leave a comment on the blog or via glow.

Wishing you well, and sending a smile, Mrs Taylor

Primary 2 – Home learning day 5 – Friday 27th March – post 3

There are 2 earlier posts for today- just look at the list of earlier posts

( on left hand side of screen )

Earlier posts for the week found here too. There are approx 3 /day.

Scottish Ballet

Scottish Ballet are giving some dance classes each Friday and it might be something you would like to try……..

SB Health classes will be streamed live at 11.30am British Summer Time (BST) on each day:

Fridays – Family Barre for parents and children, led by SB Principal Bethany Kingsley-Garner. A dance class for parents and children to move together and benefit from creativity and imagination.


They will also be available I believe on Facebook to watch later.

Primary 2 – Home learning day 5- Friday 27th March – post 2


Please try any activities already detailed earlier this week on posts or from your learning pack.

Read Write Inc

Please keep practising the sounds on your sound chart.

Choose a sound from your sounds booklet and complete the activities mentioned earlier this week ( reading, “Fredding” and writing).

Today you might want to try something we do in school called

” Hold a sentence”.

Select a sound from your booklet – for example ay. Ask a grown up to write the sentence to match the sound from the list below:

Look at the sentence and check to see if it has any red words. Think about why they are red words ( remember we cannot sound these out). Spell any green words by ” Fredding”. Check to see if there are any capital letters and a full stop or other punctuation.

Now, ask the grown up to read the sentence aloud. Say it aloud yourself, many times , in different voices. We have great fun doing this at school- maybe choosing an excited voice, a disappointed voice, a loud voice , a quiet voice, a crazy voice, etc!

Now, let the grown up hide the sentence and you write it in your jotter.

CHECK IT to see how well you did!

Sentences to use for Hold a sentence with set 2 sounds.

Here’s the link again for these sounds:

ay – May I play with you?

ee- I can see you in the tree.

igh- It is not light at night.

ow- He can blow the snow.

oo- Too much food in the pool!

oo- He took my book.

ar – It is hard to start this car!

or- This horse is too short.

air – His hair is fair.

ir- The bird is playing in the dirt.

ou – You can shout out loud!

oy- The boy is playing with a toy.

Sentences to use for Hold a sentence with set 3 sounds.

Here’s the link again for these sounds:

a- e        I can make a good cake.

ea          Please make me a cup of tea.

More sentences for set 3 sounds will follow later.

Primary 2 – Home learning Day 5- Friday 27th March – post 1

Good morning everyone, hope you and your families are all well.

Here’s one of the tunes we play in school first thing in the morning:

gummy bear | Gummy Bear - You really have to get behind this guy ...

Have a wee dance and smile!!

Here’s a selection of ideas to add to your pack to help with today’s learning at home.


How about a game of musical numbers?

Building Number Sense to 20: What All Teachers Ought To Know

Write a selection of numbers on pieces of paper and place them on the floor. Dance around to your favourite music. Ask a grown up to stop the music. When the music stops pick up 3 pieces of paper each and add the numbers together. The person with the highest score wins. GOOD LUCK!

Or  join the dots in 2s  ( triangles and squares group)

Again, please enable flash on your computer.


Online Shop Genuine skittles bao Xinbao Little Bear Plush Toys ...

Make a line of cuddly toys or pieces of junk ( empty cereal boxes and margarine tubs) or even a row of flowerpots!

Put a number on each one, maybe the same ones you used for musical numbers.

Roll a ball ( or rolled up pair of socks) at the “skittles”. Add up the scores on the “skittles” you hit.

This game can be played indoors or outside.



Find a number:

Circles and triangles group might like to practise finding a number. Play this game and use your 100 square in your pack to help you.

And a similar one for the circles group:

Ideas for literacy and other learning on next post.



Primary 2 – Home learning day 4 – Thursday 26 March – post 3

Here’s a selection of other ideas to keep you busy:

Art and crafts

Last week we made a paper boat using just one piece of paper.

The following ideas need just one piece of paper, which you may have at home or take the middle page out of your jotter or use a page from a leaflet , magazine etc you may have and not need.

You will need an adult’s help so please wait till they have a little time to help…..

To make  an Easter bunny:

If you have a piece of wool/ string:


To make  a paper bird:


Keyboard skills

Some of you may be using a keyboard on a desktop , if so , try this :

Its a great way to practise typing !- you can work even faster when using Word in your next ICT lesson.



I know you love to dance children, maybe try

Oti  tries a new dance each day.


Have a good day P2

Be kindImage result for smile

from Mrs Taylor


Primary 2 – Home Learning day 4 – Thursday 26 th March – post 2

Welcome back!


In class last week some of us had great fun guessing the answer to a story about a horse and a snail. We watched and listened to part of the story then guessed the ending  which we wrote. Then we watched and listened to the rest of the story to see if ours was the same or different.

Today please listen to and watch the following clip, stopping it at 01:35.

( go to the listen section)

Image result for Yuck said the Yak by Alex English Part of English and Literacy Word waves

Talk to an adult about what might happen next and write the ending in your jotter . Draw the picture of the ending too.

Remember all your writing targets as you write. ( capital letter, full stops, finger spaces , spelling , right order, neat writing)

Once you have finished your writing, watch and listen to the ending. How did your version compare ?


Today’s reading:

Image result for help a hedgehog

Practise reading words in this activity.

Green group – play  phase 2cvc

Pink and new yellow  groups- play  phase 3 sch sh th ng

Established yellow groups – play  phase 3 ccvc/ cvcc

Grey  group- play phase 3 mixed vowel phonemes.

If you manage one level, try the next.

Happy reading and writing!

More activities to follow in next post

Primary 2 – Home Learning Day 4 – Thursday 26th March – post 1

Good morning boys and girls. Hope you are all well. Sending you a smile this morning and one of our songs we like to start the morning with :

Image result for bare necessities


And please don’t forget there’s a chance for  a daily work out:

The previous day’s workouts are available too.

So, here are some ideas for today to add to any in your learning pack. ( you may do any of these activities when you want to and daily additional suggestions are put on the blog)

Remember to contact me via the blog – just add comment , or via glow ( details given yesterday and on the pack), if you are unsure about anything, or want to share any learning you have done at home.



Hope you managed to make a picture from household items or natural materials. Did you work out the value of the house picture? 

It was 34:

4 x 5 =20,

2×2 =4

+ 10


Squares and triangles might like to try a number challenge.

It involves listening to a set of number questions and giving answers. An adult might like to record your answers for you. You are able to progress through different sets of questions each colour coded. Can anyone manage to get through all the colours? Please let me know how you get on , I know many of you love a challenge!

Try cloud rating 1. Some children in the squares group might like to try cloud rating 2.


Please try one of the subtraction sheets in your home learning pack today if you have not done so already.

You might like this subtraction game too:

( you may need to enable flash to ensure it works)

Just pop the correct number of balloons.

Circles and triangles

This game involves putting numbers back into the correct place on the 100 square. Use the 100 square in your pack to help you.

Alternatively, ask an adult to cover a number, can you tell them which number is missing.

Work hard P2 and please be kind to those at home with you.

More ideas to follow on next post.


Primary 2 – Home learning day 3 – Wednesday 25th March – post 3

Read Write Inc

Sounds chart

In your pack you will have a sounds chart. This is the landscape version for green, pink and  new yellow group, with the complex sounds chart ( portrait format) for the established yellow and grey groups. Read the sounds to a grown up. ( Use your pencil/spoon/straw as a pointing stick)


You should have a set of speed sounds in your pack.

  • Select a sound from this booklet each day.
  • Read each word to a grown up.
  • “Fred” ( sound out) each word using your “Fred” fingers.
  • Ask a grown up to read each word from the sheet you have selected and write each word in your jotter.
  • Check you got the spelling right.

Here’s a link to the sounds : set 2:

and set 3:


Red words

In your pack you should find a red word list.

Red words are words that we cannot sound out.

Green group use red words set 1, pink and new yellow use red words set 1 and 2, established yellow and grey use set 1, 2 and the first 3 lines of set 3.

Ask a grown up to read each word to you. Read them back to the grown up. At school we read these in horizontal lines , then vertically the choose words randomly pointing under each word with a lollipop stick ( you could use the end of a pencil).

Select a few words and tell the grown up why it is a red word ( why the letter sounds do not make sense, they are misbehaving)

For example “all” is  a red word because the “a” says “o” ! In brother the “o” sounds like an “u”.

Now ask the grown up to choose 5 words you have looked at , say each one aloud to you and write them in your jotter.

Did you get them right??


Mrs Taylor



Primary 2 – Home learning day 3 – Wednesday 25th March – post 2

Literacy – Reading challenge

I hope you have had a chance to enjoy a book from Oxford Owl

Login as detailed on Monday , at class login ( given on front of your pack.)

Perhaps you are enjoying the book from your home learning pack/

At school we have a CLASS READING CHALLENGE. You might want to do this at home. Select an activity:

  •  Read the book
  • Tell the story to a cuddly toy ( or family member) by working out what happens through the pictures.
  • Find a number of words you recognise and read them aloud.

You might also like to write a review of the book in your jotter.

Remember all the things you need for a good piece of writing ( listed in your pack) :  capital letters ( you practised these yesterday), full stops or other punctuation ( yellow and grey groups), finger spaces, letters formed well so we can read them easily, writing on the line, words in the correct order and super spelling. You have your sounds chart to help you and a red words sheet in your pack.


You might want to start with My book is called ……….

It is a good book because………..

Come on P2 show the grown ups at home what super writers you are!!

RWInc to follow on next post



Primary 2 – Home Learning day 3 – Wednesday 25th March- post 1

Good morning everyone!

Sending everyone a smile today and hoping the sun shines. Here’s the song we sometimes listen to first thing in the morning:

I am wondering how everyone is getting on with learning from home. Please add a comment on the blog if you want to share your new learning experiences or message me directly on glow. You have a glow login on the front of your home learning package and can send me a message, login, find mail and message me at We didn’t have a chance to try this out before the schools closed, so you will need to try this with a grown up.

Learning for today


Please play a game  or complete a sheet from your pack.

Alternatively if you are outside today you might be able to collect some natural materials to make a picture and then work out its value. Some of us managed to do this last week in school.

Each stone is worth 10, each twig, 5 and each leaf 2.

Mrs Taylor collected these items yesterday. The value of my picture is 10 + 5 +  2 + 2 + 2 + 2 = 23.

I did this calculation by working out 4 x 2  = 8 and adding that to the 10 and 5.

I am sure you will be able to create some amazing pictures , (and practise your numeracy skills at the same time)

If you are unable to get out today , how about using 3 different items from the home , giving them a value , make a picture with them and then working out the value of your picture.

Try to calculate the value of this picture:

Answers later on today…………

The following site is offering free membership whilst the schools are off, but it seems to be really busy and I haven’t been able to get on the site myself to try out the games to tell you about them.


Literacy ideas to follow in separate post