Primary 2 – The story of milk

We played a guessing game in which we had to try and work out what was the same about all these foods.

We learned that they were all made with milk.

Next we  made butter by shaking some cream until it turned into butter.

We also made a yummy pudding with milk.

Did you know that all Freisian milk cows have a different pattern?


Primary 2-Green vegetable soup

Today we learned how eating green vegetables gives us vitamins which keep our bodies moving, help us see and help heal cuts.

We enjoyed preparing the vegetables , then went to play whilst it cooked.

It was delicious! Someone was heard saying that their knee was getting better already.

If you would like to make it at home, take a selection of green vegetables. (We used celery, cabbage, peas, bean sprouts and courgettes.) Add a vegetable stock cube and water and simmer for 15minutes. Serve with a sprinkling of cheese.

Thank you Mrs Jones for all your help!