Special Visitor

We had a special visitor on Wednesday. Her name was Mrs Gunning – she is Miss Gunning’s mummy!!

Mrs Gunning told us all about the kind of toys she played with when she was a little girl. She said that she only got toys from Santa at Christmas. Not at any other time throughout the year. We couldn’t believe it! She also showed us some toys that Miss Gunning played with when she was a little girl.

She brought in some of the toys and we got to play with them. Andrasta and Jessica had a tea party, Blaike and Teya played doctors, Gene and Liam H loved the tiddly winks, Connor and Halli had a game of marbles and Dylan and Bethanie liked snakes and ladders.

After we had played with the toys, we got into groups and put the toys into different categories. Old, New or both. We worked so hard that Miss Gunning let us play with the toys again at the end of the lesson.

What an exciting day!



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