Hi everyone! I hope you’ve had a lovely weekend. I hope you have enjoyed our chat on Teams today. 🙂
Remember they are every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Please send any finished work to my email address: ddrpetrie598@glow.sch.uk
Your first activity is your weekly workout with Joe Wicks. If you want to substitute this activity for another workout indoors or outdoors, go for it!
Your next lesson is looking at this week’s gospel. I look forward to seeing your finished work. 🙂
What does the world you want to see look like?Â
It is a competition to share a piece of artwork, poem, prose or film for a chance for your work to be exhibited in the online Youth Exhibition at the ‘Choose the world you want’ festival between 22 February and 7 March 2021.
Email your vision masterpiece to schools@fairtrade.org.uk with the subject line CHOOSE THE WORLD YOU WANT stating your name and age in the email. Submit your vision by March 1 2021.
Please click on the link above for more details and the information form.
Enjoy! 😀